Target 20 - Ready, Set...

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Time flew by quickly, and it was soon time for the departure of Tsuna and his three companions, or guests. He had been packing his necessities just that afternoon, along with a two-piece suit and a couple of pairs of shoes he thought he may need.

Reborn, of course, did the same. The other two, Fon and Skull, did not pack anything as the only clothes they really needed were their nightly wear for bed and the clothes they always wore (and washed accordingly).

After the confrontation with Reborn- which she had started in the first place -Lal Mirch had not said another word and accepted the fact that the others would simply not stay away from the brunette, no matter what she may have said or done.

She had begrudgingly accepted the fact that perhaps this particular sky melbourn user was different from the others she had met and/or known personally.

Still, she did not trust the brunette 100% yet- he would have to earn it by the actions and decisions he makes which concern the group as a whole or individually -but she was giving him a chance. Even if it was only a small, last chance that he received.

Tsuna sighed, puffing out his cheeks slightly as he stared at his packed bags and luggage- he hadn't brought much, but he still leaned in favour of packing something other than carrier bags and backpacks to hold everything he needed inside.

Shoes, outfits, his suit, toiletries like his toothbrush and toothpaste, and some of his art supplies had been put into the suitcase he decided to take. He was slightly surprised that everything actually fit.

Despite already having the suitcase packed, he decided to take a backpack as well- he filled it with things to keep himself entertained and busy while on the flight, such as his notebook, sketch book, a couple of books to read and also some small snacks.

Water was also a necessity. Tsuna sighed, flopping down onto his bed, then turning over to lay flat on his back. The flight they were taking was a return flight, going from Tokyo, Japan to the nearest airport to Sicily in Reggio Calabria.

The brunette was never really good at geography, and did not bother to learn much about it, only knowing the most "popular" or largest countries and where they were located.

He did know where most Asian countries were placed on the map of the world, but the European, American and African countries were left untouched. The boy certainly did not bother to search whether there were any airports in Sicily.

This was not to say that he trusted his family in any way; for all he knows, they could be sending him to a random city in France! This time around, however, it was slightly different: his elder brother, Ieyasu, was the one calling the shots.

The brunette could not deny that Ieyasu was incredibly gifted when it came to planning and scheduling, especially when it came to big events like these. Unlike Tsunayoshi, who cracked under pressure easily, Giotto thrived under it.

The bigger and heavier the pressure, the more it drove the blonde to perform and execute his plans perfectly, down to the very last detail.

Tsuna had no doubt in his mind that, even if the Vongola did plan on leaving him out of this important event, he would do so seamlessly as per usual. A small inkling began to well in his thoughts, however...

His brother wouldn't do it. A throbbing pain in his head forced him to dismiss the idea as soon as it entered his mind- Giotto would not leave him out of this ceremony.

It didn't lessen his doubts, but it did make him think about more pleasant things instead. Putting that aside quickly, the airport they will be arriving at is in Reggio Calabria (R.C), at the "toe" of Italy's "boot"- or, pretty close to it.

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