Target 11 - Unexpected

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The man tapped his fingertips on the mahogany desk of his office, his golden blonde hair swishing with the slight breeze circulating through the room. His tired, blue eyes scanned the room around him with disinterest.

Cerulean orbs met ocean blue ones, the contact making the blonde male grunt with annoyance. A man, with identically coloured hair, now sat in front of the younger male, a hunger for power swirling in his oceanic eyes.

"What do you want, father?" The younger man asked with distaste as if the mere mention of his father sickened him- not to mention seeing him in front of his very eyes.

"What a lovely welcome you have given me," the elder responded, dodging the question and rolling his eyes comically. "I only wished to know how the company was doing," he continued, feigning innocence which did not reach the desired effect, as suggested by the unamused, raised eyebrow he had gotten in reply.

"It's going well. Now, leave," the younger blonde deadpanned. An awkward tension filled the air as they continued to stare at each other. Despite being older and presumably having more experience than the younger blonde, he sat almost sluggishly in his chair.

His seating position was quite the contrast to the younger male's positively perfected posture as he sat, one leg swung over the other comfortably in an almost intimidating manner. This, however, did not seem to frighten the other man.

"I'm afraid I cannot. I haven't gotten any news on Tsunayoshi in a year, and I'm not going to waste my time on that piece of shit, but I do have to keep him in line," the elder began, sneering as he talked making his slightly wrinkled face twist into an ugly mess.

The younger male clenched his fist under the table at the mention of that name, grinding his teeth slightly which went unnoticed by the elder. "Just send that idiot Dino, or even Xanxus- they have Tsuna's trust-" he began, being cut off by his father.

"'Tsuna?'" He repeated sourly, seemingly either accusing or questioning (or both) his eldest son.

"-and I doubt that he would let me, you, mother or grandfather anywhere near him," the young blonde reasoned, expression remaining stoic and emotionless as it usually was.

The older man huffed, folding his arms over his chest childishly and inspected his son's face, eyes darting. "I guess you have a point," he admitted, then looking back at the younger with a sharp look. "But you will still go to see him, Giotto. I don't trust Xanxus nor Dino to give me an honest report."

The younger, Giotto, looking unamused and utterly bored, giving his father the 'are-you-serious-right-now?' look. "Don't test me, Iemitsu. You have no power over the Vongola, I do. Grandfather resigned and gave the company and mafia to me; you have no say in anything. Is that clear?" Giotto asked.

Enormous amounts of killing intent spread throughout the room, grasping at any surface it could and suffocating its recipient. The elder, Iemitsu, had to stop himself from letting out a strangled choke from the wafting KI which filled his lungs.

Only when the older blonde nodded, did Giotto withdraw the killing intent. Looking through half-lidded eyes, the younger blonde quirked a brow at his senior. "Now leave. You don't have to worry about Tsuna anymore than I do- wasn't it you who suggested we leave him out to die?"

Beaten at his own game, Iemitsu stood up and stomped out of the room, as he was clearly embarrassed about losing to his son.

Giotto closed his eyes momentarily, opening the cerulean orbs once again and stared intently at a spot on the now closed door directly in front of him. After some thinking, he had sighed and opened one of the various draws incorporated into his desk.

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