Target 41 - Kawahira Pt. 2

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Tsuna was thinking.

It's actually normal for him to be thinking like this, as he tends to think very often about many things. He used to have a lot of daydreams — moments when he would space out and think. Not focus on his surroundings for minutes at a time, or have some music playing in the background when he remembered.

Most of the time, this is what made him over-think and over-analyse things — for example, Kawahira's hidden motives for answering his questions.

"Got something you want to ask next?"

For once, the brunette didn't even have to think.

"Yeah, actually," Tsuna replied hastily, "Giotto... The founder of the Vongola... who was he? What was he like? What... what happened?"

The administrator raised a brow. 

"Isn't this your family's history?" Kawahira questioned. Not unkindly, just curious.

"Iemitsu never let me learn about it," Tsuna said quietly.

The only sound was the whistling wind and the chime of bells from a shop nearby.

"Okay." Kawahira sighed. "I guess I should start at the beginning, hm?"

"First thing you need to know- Giotto di Vongola was born over four hundred years ago. He was a pretty average kid, an orphan which is why he was just known as Giotto or, after establishing the Vongola, Giotto di Vongola."

"Except he wasn't just an average kid." Kawahira paused. "He was a Nerilian, living in Italy but, well..."

"...He lived in Nerilia's Italy, not, uh, not Earth's, right?" Tsuna finished for him. It looks like 'borrowing' some books from his brother when he was younger had turned out to have more perks than he thought.

"You're taking this better than I expected."

"Nothing really surprises me anymore."

"That's fair. You have been living with the Arcobaleno for two weeks, and Reborn's been like an annoying pest, feeding off of your resources."

Tsuna didn't say anything, but he did give the man across from him a dirty look for even implying such a thing. Kawahira was amused but not affected at all.

"Regardless, Giotto was still an orphan, just a Nerilian orphan. But, his dreams were... well, his dreams were far from here. He met his best friend, G, along the way. He was also an orphan."

"On his quest to traverse into the Gia plane, your home, he had met five others. Asari, a musician who was skilled with a sword. Knuckle, an ex-boxer turned priest. Lampo, the son of a wealthy and noble family. Daemon, a gifted illusionist. And finally, Alaude, the son of the police force's chief and a great fighter."

"G had stayed by him as he travelled, as did the others," Kawahira explained, "they finally made it across to the human world, Earth, but what they saw was not what they had expected."

"Giotto had been used to a world without crime, too used to fair judgement and strict rules with dire consequences. Earth is much different that Nerilia."

Kawahira fondly smiled as if looking back at a particularly precious memory. 

"The idiot saw this and vowed to make Earth just as fair and safe as Nerilia, or as close to it as he could. Thus, the Vongola was born. It started as a vigilante group."

Tsuna's concern and worry for the man just deepened. Why is he speaking as if he was there to see all of this happen? He looks about the same age as Ieyasu, so why is he talking so casually about things that happened over four hundred years ago?

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