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  Emily used to be a normal 13 year old... At least, in her perspective. She was a crazy, horse loving girl who never stopped smiling or laughing. Her best friend, Crystal, was almost the same- horse crazy, always smiling girl.Their parents owned a horse farm together, and when Emily and Crystal  got horses of their own, They swore they would take lessons together, do everything horse related together. Always. On the day of their first competition, an accident happed. After that, Emily Swore she would never have anything to do with horses ever agian. Can a broken girl and two broken horses  help each other's hearts to mend?

     "Hey Em! Watch this!" Crystal shouted, sitting on her Palomino quarter horse gelding, Tango. She cantered around the small round ring, slowed Tango to a trot, walk, then finally stopped him, right next to me and my black thouroughbred, Wildfire. We were riding bareback, practicing for any "unfortunate events" as we liked to call it. Robbery wasn't uncommon in our little town in North Carolina, and Crystal came up with the idea we should practice bareback more, especially cantering, just in case a robber tried to steal our horses in the middle of the night. Not that we would be sleeping there every night, but it was fun, riding completely tackless. Chrys cantered another time around the ring, and I smiled as I watched her. An enormous smile was plastered across her face, one that only occured when we rode. "Nice Job Chrys!" I cheered. "You and Tango look great!" Tango walked up beside Wildfire and I agian. "Thanks. Now it's your turn! Try not to fall this time, okay?" I laughed and urged Wildfire into a trot. I trotted one lap, then, deciding I was ready to canter, I clucked and squeezed my heels into her side gently. She happily obeyed. I cantered her two laps, then pulled up next to Tango and Crystal. "How about a trail ride?" She looked at me silently begging. I told Wildfire to walk, and she walked towards the gate. I leaned down, opened the gate, and realizing Crystal wasn't following, I smiled, and lightly kicked Wildfire. We galloped off towards our favorite trail. It was long, and sort of stopped halfway, but it lead to a tree house. The tree house had obviously been there in used for a long time when Chrys and I stumbled upon it, but we fixed it up, and eventually it became our regular hangout. The tree house was painted a dark green so it blended in south the trees, and there were in noticeable steps cut into the tree that served as a ladder. Inside, there were three rooms- two bedrooms and a living room.

Arriving at the treehouse, I dismounted and quickly scrambled up the ladder, trusting that my horse wouldn't run back to the barn without me. In a few minutes, I heard the familiar sound of a horse coming down the trail. It was Crystal, of course. "Thanks for leaving me back there, Em" she said sarcastically. I smiled brightly. "No problem. Anything for my best friend!" She laughed and hugged me. "You always crack me up, Em." I patted her head playfully, " Well... Im going to brighten you day in a minute.I have a surprise for you."


So.. Time for the author's note.

Guys, I'm trying really hard on this, so please don't get upset if it turns out really bad......

Okay... Well that was shorter than I thought it would be :P

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