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Mom and dad pulled up in our truck  right before I had gotten there.  I walked Tango to my mom, dismounted, and raced in the hospital. I took the stairs up to the Children's urgent care on floor 4. " May I help you?" A nurse asked from behind the desk. "Yes please. I'm  Here to see Crystal Ross. " the nurse looked at the computer, then at me, then at the computer agian. He pressed a button to unlock the door to the hospital rooms. "Are you a family member?" He asked, eying me suspiciously. "No sir. I am one of her close friends. My parents are outside. I was told I could come see her." I replied calmly, although inside I was breaking apart. The nurse  looked at me agian quickly.  "Room 28. On your right. "  Thank you. " I walked through the  door, and Walked hurriedly past multiple rooms, finally reaching room 28. I knocked, and a weak reply answered. "Come in!"   

           I took one look at Crystal and my heart sunk. She looked nothing like the Crystal I knew. Her usually neat, dark hair was unkempt and her dark  face was pale. Her normally bright eyes were faded and her lips created a permanent frown.  Upon seeing me walk in, Crystal's face immediately brightened, and her dad looked at me, smiled sadly and left the room, closing the door softely behind him. "Hi Chrys.." She smiled sadly, tears welling in the corners of her  eyes. "Tango misses you. I rode him over here.. I bet the doctors will let you come down and see him.. "  I couldn't bring myself to look at her. Tears welled in the corners of my eyes, but I fought to keep them from falling. "Here.. I took this picture of Tango today." I pulled a small picture out of my pocket and gave it to Crystal. "Thanks. Em.. I'd love to come down and see Tango for the last time." Her voice broke at the end and I finally looked at her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "No......... No... Chrys... Don't talk like that. You're going to be okay. We're going to Have a horse rescue together... Remember?" She motioned  for me to come closer to the bed and hugged me. "You'll just have to  make that dream come true on your own. Tango is your horse now Em.  Take good care of him for me."  I  turned around and agian tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall. "I'll go talk to the doctors about you coming to  see your horse.Chrys, you are going to make it. You are strong. I know you will." I left the room, and asked Crysatral's dad about  Tango. After much  arguing with the doctors, they finally agreed.

          I took Tango's Reins from my mom and took Tango over to the  Hospital garden. Tango instantly recognized his Rider and it took everything I had to keep him from galloping  up to Chrys in her  wheelchair. He put his head what an too her level and she gave him a kiss on the nose. "Good to see you too Boy. Don't forget about me. I love you so much and I always will, no matter what. " he voice cracked and she let out a dry laugh. "Don't go causing too much trouble without me. Either of you." She looked from me to Tango somehow understood what was happening, nad leaned his head into her.  She hugged Tango's face and sniffled, tears still rushing down her cheeks. Dad took Tango's reins, and the doctors  told us solemnly it was time to go back up to the room. 

       Once Crystal was settled back in her room, she  pointed to a small brown paper bag, and the doctor gave it to her.  I noticed she was looking even worse than when  I had gotten there. "Em.... I was saving this" she paused and coughed, " For after the rodeo........ But I think you should have it now."  She handed me the bag, " I hope you like it. My Grandma took a long time to make it." I reached in the bag and pulled out a necklace. It was simple, with a simple,  thick. strong Black string, with a single pendant. The pendant was a Small horse head made out of Dark Blue turquoise. The details were perfect,  with the mane trailing behind as if the horse cwas running.  I quickly put the necklace on. The necklace was long enough it wasn't too close tp my throat, but short enough that is couldn't whack me in the face while riding, So I could always wear it. I gave Crystal a hug that lasted several minutes before i stood up and  smiled, "Thank you so much Crystal. I love it. I'll wear it always, except when Im in the water so it doesn't get lost, like you always make me promise." She nodded. "Goodbye Emily. "





Crystal's monitor began to beep rapidly, and the doctor rushed to get more doctors and nurses. Crystal weakly grabbed my hand, and I squeezed it gently. She smiled at me sadly, and I knew this is it. She squeezed it back with all the strength she had left. Doctors and nurses   poured into the  room, but it was too late. 







Crystal's hand went completely limp in mine, and I finally allowed the tears to fall that I had been holding for so long. A nurse ushered me out and took me to the lobby. "We will do everything in our power to save her." She told me kindly. She left the lobby and as soon as she  was pout of sight, I rolled up into a ball and sobbed.   My friend is gone, and they might now be able tp brimng her back.

----3 hour time skip---

There was nothing more they could do for Crystal. I would never agian see her bright smile, trick ride with her, talk to her, hug her, or interact with her in anyway ever agian. 


Guys writing this chapter made me cry so bad..  Please read this chapter while listening to "Lucy " by Skillet!!!

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