Chap 2

13 3 1

" what is the surprise?" Crystal Asked, tilting her head sideways. "Its........." I paused for effect, smiling."Well..........there may or may not be a......" I paused agian, knowing it would just make her more excited. "Oh, nevermind, you don't want to know." Crystal Frowned and looked down at the floor. Suddenly she jerked her head up and grabbed my shoulders. She shook me and all but shouted, "Of course I want to know!?Spill it!" She let go of me, and I resumed telling her my surprise."there is a barrel racing competition coming up in 3 weeks. Our parents signed us up for it.. Our first competition!" Her dark face paled, almost enough to match her faded tan T-shirt, and her frown seemeds too hang off her face.

"a-are you sure.... I don't know if I'm ready yet.." She protested. "I'm sure you are! I have to admit, it might be a little nerve wracking, but don't worry! Once the nervousness blows away, you'll be having barrels of fun. Literally." She looks at me agian, worry in her Stormy Gray eyes. "Crystal. I know you're scared after what happened to Your cousin..... But you'll be fine. I promise." She relaxes slightly, but distress remains on her expression.

After a few minutes of silence, I jump up and race down the tree. "Beat you home!!" I call from the base of the tree. Crystal Climbs down after me, but I've already mounted Wildfire. "C'mon Flame, canter!" I cluck to her and squeeze her sides, and she immediately starts into a trot. I squeeze my heels into her agian, "c'mon girl, let's go!" She lifts her head and speeds to a gallop.

Halfway back to the barn, I see a dark nosed golden figure approaching quickly. Tango and Crystal speed past us, Crystal wearing thee biggest grin o her face. They arrive at the barn only half a length before us, Crystal smiles and Tango rears, holding it for a few seconds before dropping back down. Crystal leans down and hugs his neck. "Good boy Tang." We both dismount right outside the paddock, open the gate, and our horses walk inside. As soon as they are past the large metal gate, they both whinny and bolt to the far end of the paddock, joining Fawn, an older bay snowflake appaloosa.

"Hey Em? What caused Fawn to go blind? And what did she used to do?" Chrys asks, her gaze never leaving the Mare. "Fawn was my father's champion barrel racer before she got into a fight with a pack of wolves .. She can no longer Barrel race but she is still rideable, although it toolk a while for her to fully recover. Sarah-you know, that little redhead the comes every Saturday- she is my little brother's best friend. Sarah loves Fawn to death. She even rides her." Crystal nodded and for a split second her eyes darted to me, still flooded with worry.

Crystal and I watch the three horses together for several minutes before walking back to the barn in silence. We hug and say goodbye, and Crystal turns around, walking towards the road. Her house is only across the street from ours, making it easy for both of our families to share the ranch. I open my mouth to say something, but I close my mouth agian. It can wait until tomorrow.


At dinner I hardly touch my food, even though it's one of my favorites- alfredo. mom notices and frowns. "Emily? What's the matter? Is it about the barrel racing competition? I'm sorry.... I shouldnt've done that without talking to you two first. Its not too late to quit." She told me quickly. "No, mom, it's not like that. I really want to go, but I think Crystal is scared, after what happened to her cousin." I replied, trying to hide my worried expression. Crystal's cousin, Justin, is a huge barrel racer. He won nearly every competition he entered. About two years ago, Justin and his Strawberry roan pinto, Whiskey, has gone around the first barrel, a Large dog, having escaped from her owner, darted across the arena, and Whiskey went haywire. He reared and bolted.Justin hung on as long as he could, but eventually fell off. He blacked out upon contact with the ground, and was immediately rushed to the hospital. He had a broken leg, a few bruised ribs, and a mild concussion.. He recovered and is Barrel racing agian, but for Crystal, it left a scar. She was too scared to enter any competitions, fearing something terrible might happen to her too.

My mother cut me put of my train of thought when she pointed out, "that was two years ago.. I'm sure she's gotten over it, she was probably just a little nervous." I nodded in agreement, and hoped she was right, but knowing Crystal, it could be anything.

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