Chap 4

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"Every time you feel alone put on your head phones

Feel the love, love, love

Coming through your headphones"

My cellphone rang, playing the song lyrics over multiple times before turning off, notifying me I had missed my call. I folded Two more shirts and a pair of jeans, stuffing them in my rainbow printed travel bag covered in horse stickers before I picked up my Phone and realized Crystal had Called. I Typed in the password and Called her back. The phone buzzed for a few seconds before I heard her familiar familiar voice on the other end.

-Hey Em!-

-Hey Chrys. What's up?-

-when do ypou want me to come over? I'm all packed up and Ready to go!-

I glanced at the neon green alarm clock on my nightstand. 10:00 A.M

-How about... 10:30? That should give us half an hour to tack Tango And Wildfire up and let them get a little exercise before the big road trip. We'll have to Give them a good ride tonight Before we go to bed at the hotel. The trailer shouldn't be too bad for them to stay in tonight-

-okay! Sounds good! I'll go ahead and eat breakfast then-

-you still haven't eaten?-

-nope! See ya!-

-bye Chrys-

I hung up and set my phone down On my bed. I grabbed another shirt out from my drawers and stuffed it in the bag. I zipped it up, dashed down the Stairs, threw open the door, and slammed right into our truck. "Ow...." I guess I hadn't seen that there... I rubbed my nose, a little blood now trickling out of it. Behind me, someone started to laugh. I whipped around, giving them a death glare. It was Logan, my 9 year old brother. He was pointing at me and laughing, "Haha you banged into the truck! LOL HAHA!!" I glared at him. "Well, at least I didn't get my head stuck in a treeat school and have mom come and get me out."I retorted. His face immediately dropped and turned bright red in embarrassment. I turned around and tossed my bag into the Back of the Cherry red truck.


Wind rushed past my face and the world was a blur, apart from just ahead of me. I cleared all three barrels looked back only once to see one barrel wobbling, then stand still. " Ho. Easy, Wildifre." Wildfire slowed to walk and we left the arena."how'd we do?" I asked Crystal, coming up beside her and Tango. I dismounted and loosened Wildfire's girth. "Good, but not good enough if one of us is going to win. I.. I'm still not sure if I even want to go.. What if something bad happens... Like what happened to Justin?" She looked at me, worry laced in her voice. "Crystal, We're going to be just fine. I promise." We untack and lead our horses to the barn, where The silver two horse trailer was waiting. "Ready too go? My mom asked, grinning She was excited that we finally were going to our first show. We nodded and loaded our horses into thee trailer." We are waiting for Crystal's mom, but she should be here soon." She explained.

Not long after the rest of us were sitting in Our Cherry colored Ford, Crystal's mom, Mrs.Beth, finally arrived. She put her stuff in thee back, and joined my mom in the front seat. 5 minutes later,we were on our way to Alabama.

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