Chap 9

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Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's day, and Easter passed, each holiday feeling even emptier than the last. My parents took noticed, and tried everything they could to cheer me up. They even hired a councilor. The counciler tried everything she could, but nothing worked. 3months have past since I lost Crystal.. Summer is coming up in just one more month. My councilor's time is almost up. She will be leaving by June first, and then i'll bre rid of her for good. One more month, Then I won't have anyone to try to peer into my personal life.


We arrived at Mrs.Scott's houseand she welcomed us in."Emily, f you don't in and, I think I need to speak to your parents." I nodded and sat down on her living room couch. My parents and Mrs.Scott disappeared in the next room, and as soon as the door closed, I raced to it and put my ear against the door. "Please Mr. And Mrs.Lyman, sit down. " there was a soft thud. "I have tried everything in my power to help your daughter, but to be honest, nothing has worked. I recommend this as a last resort." Mrs.Scott said. "Are you sure this will work? You know she will hate that!" My mother remarked, "Yes, Mrs..Lyman, I understand. All of my patients who've gone to this summer camp have been helped. This will also help Emily. Her plane ticket will be free of charge to your family. In fact, this whole thing is it will even help her horses, we can bring then to the location." I heard whispering and silence for several moments before My mother relplied, "When does she have to leave? "

"It started on May 18th, but we can get her out of here by the 26. That gives you two days to prepare."

"But Mrs.Scott, why such short notice?"

"I apologize, but I suggest you don't tell her until before she leaves. She will not like this. This was a last resort. It took me a long time to asses whether it would actually do her good. I would send the horses away the day after tomorrow, so they will arrive a day before she does." I heard footsteps, and rushed back to my spot on the couch, sitting down just in time for them to come out of the room. "Emily, honey, how would you like to visit Virginia?"

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