Chap 12

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After lunch, Mrs.Anita and Mrs.Janet pulled me over. 

"May we talk to you for a minute Emily?" Ms. Janet asked. . 

I nodded and followed them to a quiet part of the house I hadn't been to before.

  "We looked at your profile agian, and we understand you promised her you wouldn't ride, but these horses really need you. " Mrs. Janet started, " they have been terrified since they got here, and I'm sure both of them miss you. If you won't do it for your self, do it for Crystal. She would have at least wanted her horse to be well and happy." 

Well, that did make sense. I definitely could work with them. " Fine." I sighed. " I will work with them, but I won't ride . I made a promise and I'm going to keep it."

"Emily, I looked in your files, and I understand how hard its been for you. Nobody should ever have to experience what happened to you. " Mrs. Anita replied sadly.  Its shoukfdbt happen to me, and yet it did. It's not like anytging will change what happened, or change how i feel.Crystalvis gone and will never come back. Its all my fault. Tears welled in my eyes and I quickly blinked them back. Mrs.Anita and Mrs.Janet seemed to notice, but Mrs.Amnita continued talking. "Eventually, you are going to have to ride. I expect you to start working with Tango and Wildfire  today. You may ride one of our horses in the evening  trail ride today." 

I nodded and turned to leave. "Emily?" I turned around to look at Ms.Janet. "I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss."

"I've had enough of people's pity." I growled and stormed outside with out waiting for a reply.  I made it all the way to  the round ring  without anyone noticing. I made my way tp the the round ring andTango and Wildfire  were still pacing around half of the ring then back agian.

 "Hey Wildfire... Hey Tango.. How are you guys?"their ears perked up momentarily, but quickly returned pinned to their heads, almost as if  their ears were stuck that way. I decided to take a big risk and slipped  through the bars and into the round ring. " hey guys.. Its okay." They barely noticed me, but continued to pace. I step closer to Wildfire, and she let my walk all the way up to her. I reached out my hand slowly, but before I could touch her, she bolted to the opposite side of the ring. "C'mon girl.. Why won't you let me touch you? You know me... What has you both so spooked?" 

Tango stood  in the middle of the ring, his head down, seemingly not paying attention to me. I slowly approached him and reached out my hand.  My hand grazed his flank, but he did nothing. He just stood there, head droopy, ears pointed slightly back. I ran my hand down his side, but still no reaction. "Hey Tang... What's wrong, boy? " strange.. He was acting just like Wildfire a few days ago..

I left the ring and found Tango and Wildfire's brightly colored halters and lead ropes. I  clipped Tango's halter  on with no problem and tied his lead Rope to a hitching post. He still did nothing.  I went back into the ring  to try to catch Wildfire.  She  stood on the opposite side of the ring, ears pinned to her skull, staring with eyes  glowing with hatred and fear I made sure that the gate was shut securly behind me, and took a small step towards Wildfire.She snorted and pawed at the ground in a challenge. I held my ground, waiting to see what she would do.  Wildfire charged, and I barely managed to twist to the side and dash thr fence. I slipped  between the fence's metal bars, smiling. Been a while since that's happened. Wildfire's never don't that before.. What's wrog with her? Despite nearly getting trampled, I continued attempting to catch Wildfire for another hour before finally giving up. Because I couldn't catchWildfire,  I decided to work on Just Tango for now, and then I would move on to Wildfire later, when she calmed down. 

     As I began using the Metal curry comb  on Tango, I began to regret  Leaving Wildfire alone. She paced agian, only this time near the gate, and everyone once in a while she would attempt to open it. She nieghed and and paced around frantically, as If she feared Tango wasn't coming back,  even though she could clearly see Tango. Tango would Whinny in response every  Once in a while, but rarely did. His ears were gently moved back and remained there, as if they had been glued that way.

         When I had finished grooming him, I grabbed a lunge line  and a whip from the tack room and took Tango to a round pen at the front of the barn. On then did he prick his ears up and look where we were going. He let out a few short whinnies to Wildfire, who responded more   distressed each time   she replied. I stroked Tango's neck and whispered, "don't worry buddy, it's okay. Wildfire's not going anywhere. We'll be back in a little bit. You need to get some excercise."  I kissed to him and pulled on the lead rope. Eventually he  started walking and followed my to the round pen.  I stroked his face gently and told him, "good boy."  

I had just unclipped the lead rope and attached the lunge line on when Constance, Joy, And Cameron came trotting up. They stopped their horses and watched in shock   as I began to lunge Tango. "How are you able to even touch that horse? Nobody can  even get near him or the mare! "  Constance asked,  shocked.  Got Tango into a trot, but he only trotted once around the ring, and slowed back tp a walk.  I kissed and asked him to trot agian, but he walked several more laps before finally picking up a trot.  "I don't know. I just can." I replied. "I though you didn't know anything about horses?" Cameron added. "I never said that. Said I didn't ride horses. "  Constance rolled her eyes. "Why not? And if you don't ride, why  are you even here?"   I got Tango into a slow canter, "none of your business."    Joy nodded. "If she doesn't want to talk about it,  it doesn't matter. Besides guys, we all have our stuff we're dealing with and don't want to talk about. Its not any different for Emily. Let's  just go ahead and untack. It will be dinner soon."  Cameron and Constancy agreed, but glared at me before following Joy. Tango had slowed agian, and I urged him back to a canter. He only cantered once around the  pen, slowed to a walk and just stopped. After that, No matter what I did, he would only walk, no faster. 

Eventually,  I decided we were done and groomed him and put him back in the round pen with Wildfire. They needed to get back out onto pasture.. I watched the two horses for several minutes before walking inside, dreading what would come after dinner.

Hey  guys!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I meant to have this chap up by Christmas, but as you can see that didn't happen XD I'll try to do better!!! Have an awesome life :D

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