Chapter 11: Bad Blood

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~Fukikiyu's POV~

(Y/n) went skipping down the hall with me while still holding my hand and I chuckled. "What is it Kikiyu?"

"Hmm? It's nothing I'm just glad I get to spend more time with you. Where are we going first?"

"Uhm... To the kitchen to meet all the other servants. Then we can make our way around the manor and I'll show you all the rooms."

As we walked to the kitchen and I saw three people standing in there. "Bard, Finny, Mey-rin I would like you to meet Fukikiyu. He's going to be working he with you guys."

"Nice to meet you Fukikiyu. I'm Bardroy but you can call me Bard. I'm the cook here."

"My names Finnian but you can call me Finny! I'm the gardener."

"I'm Mey-rin and I'm the maid here. Nice to meet you. Pardon me but are you two dating?"

"Huh?! No. Fukikiyu is just my best friend."(Y/n) said with a full on blush. After we finished talking to everyone (Y/n) showed me where the library, dining room, Ciel's study, ballroom, and the tour ended in (Y/n)'s room.

"Sorry, I have no idea where your room is at... Or Sebastian.."

"I'm right here my lady." (Y/n) and I both jumped.

'We need to get this guy a bell...' "Fukikiyu follow me I'll show you to your room. Tomorrow we will start your training.. You as well (y/n). Dinner will be in an hour."

"Of course, I'll see you later (nickname)."

"Yeah.. Bye Kikiyu."

"This will be your room. You may decorate it anyway you like."

"Thank you, Sebastian."

"You are quite welcome. If you have any questions come and ask me."

"Ok I have a few questions now."

"Go ahead and ask. We have some time."

"What did her brother mean when he said I will be her personal butler? Do you know what she has? Did she tell you what we went through? What is your connection with her?"

"Being her personal butler means that you will stay by her side at all times and attend to her any request. If you mean her wings, yes. She has told the young master and I what you've gone through. My connection with her only goes as far as acquaintances. I suggest you stay as 'best friends' with her and nothing more as well."

"I didn't mean her wings so that's ok you don't know. Also what do you mean we should only stay as 'best friends.' I know if we get into a deeper relationship it could affect my work. However, our relationship is no concern of you since you are only seen as an 'acquaintance' to her." I started walking out the room. "Don't underestimate me Sebastian, I know what you are... And I'm quite the opposite of terrified. Don't worry I won't need you little training. I'm pretty sure I could take care of (y/n) on my own. I have for the past 3 years. I'll also be doing her training."

~skip to next day cuz dinner was awkward~

~(Y/n) POV~

"(Y/n)~ Wake up~.."

"Hnn.." 'Who is this? It doesn't sound like Mey-rin. Probably Sebastian..'

"C'mon (Y/n)~... Wake up or I'll do it for you~"

'Eh what's the worse that could happen?' Oh boy how I was wrong. Fukikiyu knew I wouldn't wake up in the morning so he took it upon himself to take me out the bed and fly in the air.

"I'll drop you~" *fwoosh*

"Wait what? AHHHHH! DAMMIT KIKIYU I'LL KILL YA!" Being the potato I am I forgot I was free falling.. and crashed in the ground.

~Sebastian's POV~

'Where is (y/n)? She isn't in her room..' Suddenly I heard screaming and saw (Y/n) fall right past the window. Let's just say I was VERY surprised. I quickly ran out of her room where (Y/n) was to see Fukikiyu laughing and (Y/n) on the ground. "WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!? (Y/n) are you ok!?" concern laced in my voice.

"Haha don't worry she's fine! I wouldn't have done it if I knew it would kill her."


"Look she's already getting up."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

'Ugh.. I'm going to kill him.' I looked up to see Sebastian yelling at Kikiyu. "Kikiyu I will give you 10 seconds to run and hide."

"Oh! 10 seconds feeling generous are we?"


He sweatdropped. "Yeah.. BYE!"

"...My lady are you ok?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just fell from the sky..."

"Yeah it's happened before. Let's just say I used to wake up before him. You would think since I had wings I would stop myself.. But I was too focused on yelling at him."

Sebastian just sweatdropped and helped me up. "You sure you are ok?"

"Yes, I can barely feel it. This is Kikiyu's idea of training. Don't worry I'll be there in time for breakfast. Hmm.. His ten seconds are up.. Bye Sebastian~"

Kikiyu was caught and got one hell of a beating. "Haha. Sorri~ Forgive me~?" We were walking down to the dining room.

"Fine if you let me touch your wings later."

"Ok. Same here!" "Heh fine. After my training with Sebastian is done."

"Oh yeah! I'll be training you instead of Sebastian now! Isn't that great?"

"Yes!" Little did they know Sebastian was listening to their whole conversation.

~Sebastian's POV~

'What is this feeling? Sadness maybe but why? I shouldn't be sad just because (Y/n)'s happy about training with Fukikiyu instead of me. Most girls usually swoon over me begging for my attention. However (y/n) doesn't. Am I not even seen as a 'friend' to her? Does she dislike me for some reason? I don't know but I need to find out.'

"Sebastian, is something wrong?"
"No, my lord. It's nothing."


'I'll just ask her after breakfast.. This can't affect my work.'


Words: 1,000

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