Chapter 24:Joining the Circus

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I was finally finished with the drawing but decided to give it to them after the mission was over. We were currently at the circus now talking to Joker. My undercover name was Luna and Alois's was Ben. Claude was just Claude. (Collie was no help to Alois's name.. *sweatdrops* note to self don't put her under pressure)

"So what talents do 'ee have?"

"I would be fine with anything." Claude replied in a monotone expression.

"Balance?" Alois stated not quite sure.

"Aerial and balance." I answered. I decided to keep my wings out since it would be easier.

"I see. First Claude then Ben and lastly Luna."

Anything they gave Claude he did it flawlessly. It was expected since he was a demon. When he was finish I clapped. Next was Aloi- Ben. He actually did pretty decent on the tightrope... *cough* I used wind to help him *cough*

"Now 'ee turn Luna."

"Ok!" My character was cheery and happy all the time. "I don't need the harness though." I skipped out onto the tightrope.

"Luna 'ee need to have a harness there is no net!!"

Once halfway on the rope I did a handstand and twirled. You need to have agility and balance when you fly. It wouldn't work out if you didn't have that. I finally finished an made my way down.

"Luna that was amazing but wait next time."

"Yes, I apologize Joker..."

"As long as 'ee are safe. What will 'ee do for aerial?"

"Mm.. Do you have one of those sticks you fire dance with?"

"Yes, is that all 'ee need?"

"Yes, thank you." Once Joker gave me the stick I lit it and started my dance. Up back left right spin flip. Pick up the pace.. Two more times and.. Jump! Twirl spin left. Twirl spin right. Flap twist blow flame. Stop. Wind! The burst of flame exploded into tiny sparkles.

"That was amazing!" Joker took us to where the rest of the performers were. He pointed to Ben. "Everyone listen up this is Blond, that tall gent is Spider, and this young lady is Moon! It must be our lucky day we have four prodigies."

"Four?" I questioned.

"Yes! Its 'ee, Spider, Suit, and Black! Smile, Black, and Suit could 'ee step up?"

It was too soon.

"Oh great two demons.. This will definitely be overtime." Suit said.

"Aha he's such a kidder. Anyways.. Spider and Black share a tent. Smile and Blond share. Lastly Suit and Moon."

I laughed at the pair up. Joker sure knew how to pick em.

"What? No don't want to be alone!"

"It's ok Blond, Smile will be there with you. You can always visit!"

We parted ways. Suit and I were making our way to the tent. "So.... Did you find anything, Suit?"

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon tell me~ Im working to you know.. This is giving you overtime isn't it? Oh and sorry about last time.. I kinda sorta you know.. Didn't want to die. Are all of you I'm the same businesses? I don't know."

".... I'm not authorized to tell you anything."

"At least tell me your name."

"William T. Spears." He used his scythe to push his glasses.

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