Chapter 48: Epilogue

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The minute the shock hit me, I fell back next to Kikiyu’s beheaded corpse, twitching and spasming even as the world around me slipped into darkness.

~Sebastian's POV~

I watched staying stiff as I watched the love of my life fight against the demon. The worst thing being I couldn't help. Watching horrified as she fall over on the ground not moving. The demon Luciel was dead as well as her friend Fukikiyu.


"Go to her." He had his back face to me.

I ran over to her as fast as I could quickly cradling her in my arms. I place my head to her chest and was relieved to find her heart was still beating.

I carried her back to Ciel. "She is alive."

He sighed in relief. "Good. Go... Get Fukikiyu and we can head back to the mansion."

"Yes." I used what I could to make a body bag and put Fukikiyu in it. When I was done we head back the way we came to the mansion.

~Time skip~

The servants greeted us happily at the manor but their smiles soon faded as they saw the condition (Y/n) was in. "Have the Undertaker come immediately."

They nodded and scurried of to their respective places. I carry (Y/n) up to her room and cleaned her wounds to the best of my ability. A few minutes later Ciel walked into the room.

"Undertaker has arrived."

I left to talk to him while Ciel stayed with his sister.


"Sebastian. So this is the result huh?"

I nodded.

"How is (Y/n)?"

"She's alive but knocked out cold. I don't know when she will wake up."

"I see. I will prepare his body and try to preserve it as long as possible so she can attend his funeral."

"I'm sure she would like that."

He took Fukikiyu's body and left the manor.

~In (Y/n) mind~

I stand in a plain field with Yin, Fukikiyu, and Luciel in front of me.

"What's this? Am I dead too?"

Yin spoke up. "No but you are in coma. For about 5 months at most maybe. Congratulations (Y/n) and thank you. I can finally rest at ease." The image of Yin in front of me turned to dust and blew away.

Luciel stood up next. "I guess you win huh? Hopefully I can get a new start with my brother. Thank you I can be with my family."  He smiled and faded to dust like his brother.

I turned to Fukikiyu with tears in my eye. "Please don't cry." Insert me crying too

"How can I not?! I couldn't protect you!"

"But I protected you so I'm happy." He whiped the tears from my eyes. "I didn't get to finish before. “Whatever happens, I want you to know that I care about you. A lot. We’ve been together since the beginning, and I can’t thank you enough for always being there for me. Damn, this is taking forever… What I’m trying to say is that I actually love you a lot. I know I told you before. Please don't cry you are too beautiful. I want you to live a happy life. I'll always be with you." He lifted the half of his pendant.

I whiped my tears and lifted mine. "This isn't goodbye just... See you around."

"Yeah. See you later."

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