Chapter 43: Quality Time

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I cried out holding where the mark was as Sebastian, Ciel, and Fukikiyu came running back into the room. 

"What's wrong?!" Everyone asked at once.

"He- He's GONE!"

Ciel sat next to me. "Who is?"

I slowly removed my hand from my neck. "Y-Yin.."

"His contract is gone.." Sebastian mummered  

"He's dead." I whispered holding the ring on my hand.

"Get over it." Kikiyu said under his breath.

I stopped crying. I stopped moving and stood up looking him dead in the eye. "What. Did. You. Say?"

"Get over it. He was just using us in the first place. You've ignored me ever since he got here."

"No he cared. I was busy not ignoring you."

"Yeah right."

Sebastian and Ciel stood back.

"I suggest you stay out of my line of sight Fukikiyu."


"Don't let him take whats precious to you. Friends before revenge but if you are avenging that friend. Let all hell break loose and kill that bitch."


"Those were his last words to me. I'll sure as HELL take it to heart and make him suffer for what he did. Never again. He trained us for this. He went out on a suicide quest to help us. If that's not caring then I don't know what is. I've known you for a long time Fukikiyu jealousy isn't a good color on you." I started to walk off.

"(Y/n). I didn't mean-"

"Shut up. Wouldn't want to be on bad terms before battle, yea?" I walked off never turning back.


'How dare he! Insult Yin like that. Lil B- No not right now.' I held out my arm and the snake slithered down it into my hand. "You better not bite me." I lifted it up to my face and looked into the eyes. It had slits so I knew it had venom. I stopped in my path and turned around looking for Sebastian. "SEBBY CHANNNNNNNNN!"

"I would appreciate it if you never did that again."

I chuckled. "I held the snake up to his face. Do you recognize this snake. It's one of Yin's and I don't think it's from here." Suddenly it started moving and slipped out of my hand leaving its shedding behind. "Seriously?" I stared at the thing in my hand.

"I think that's the least of your problems."

"What-" I looked back over to the snake. "Damn Yin always gotta pull something on me even in death."


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