Chapter four

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I slam my door behind me and shove my hand down my pants, groaning at how wet I am. I didn't even get touched and I was beyond aroused. What does that say about me? I didn't care, the sexual tension had reached its final stage and I needed to break the damn. I needed the relief.

There was a banging on my door and I cursed as I quickly took my hand out of my pants and opened the door. I blinked a few times in surprise to see Jean standing there looking quite sheepish.

"Jean, what are you doing here?" I ask and he sighs heavily stepping towards me. I keep the door firmly in my hands, making it clear that he was not to enter.

"Look I just wanted to formally apologise for-" I squeezed my legs together and shiver slightly, cutting him off.

"Yeah don't worry about it. It's cool." I go to close the door but Jean's massive hand stops it from shutting. "What?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner and just talk?" He asked unsurely and I frowned at him, not knowing if he was serious or not.

"Jean please, go away. Talk to me tomorrow, I'll think about it." I wanted him gone, I needed him gone. Jean's eyes lit up though and he pushed the door harder and I lost my grip on it.

"You'll seriously think about it?" Jean asked and I pinched the bridge of my nose with annoyance, "I mean I thought you'd turn me down-"

"Please go, Jean, I'm so tired and-" I beg and I hear someone step into the room. Looking up I'm shocked to see Levi standing there, looking as though he is about to break Jean's neck. He looks kind of scary and for the first time, I'm a little scared of him.

"Go now, Jean. I need to speak with (Y/N) alone." Levi's voice was rough and harsh and Jean didn't hesitate in leaving, closing the door with a soft click behind him. I could hear his footsteps trail up the hall and when I couldn't hear them anymore, I looked back at Levi.

"What the hell are you doing here?" This was not my night, I wanted to weep as the tension was now suffocating with him here. "Go away."

"Not until I teach you a lesson on respect!" He hissed and suddenly he was in front of me, pushing me against the back wall.

This kiss was rougher than the last one, in fact, it was so rough that I struggled to keep up. Levi pushed his body against mine and I moaned into his mouth, feeling his dick press against me. I shivered as he held my wrists tightly and he unleashed his tongue on me. My legs were turning to jelly and I used the wall to support me as he continued to kiss me in a way I've never been kissed before. It was a possessive and controlling kiss like he was staking his claim.

He pulled away and I gasped for breath, my chest rising up and down quickly as I tried to gain some of my composure back. But before I could, his lips attacked my neck, biting and kissing up and down causing my body to shake with pleasure. I was purring like a cat and I tried to clear my head, to remind myself that this was my superior, my captain but that just made it all the hotter. Knowing that this was wrong made me want him more.

"Please." I breathed and he stopped his assault, causing me to wriggle against him, "Please."

"What are you asking me for?" He spoke slowly and as I stared into his eyes, his pupils were so dilated that I knew that this is what he had wanted all along.

"I need... I want you to touch me." My voice was shaky as I watch his face closely. For a moment, he closes his eyes at my surrender before turning me around so I was facing the wall. My cheek was pressed against the cool, sharp stone and I moaned loudly as he pressed his dick up against my ass. With my hands still spread, he moved one hand to my hip, gripping it tightly while the other snaked around to my throat. His hand gripped it tightly as he held me there pinned.

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