Chapter seven

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"So how are things with Levi?" Hiro asked as we patrolled through the roofs of the wall. It was midday and we were bored but it was something to do. I found myself getting a little claustrophobic inside the walls. Hiro nudged me painfully in the side, snapping me into the present as I looked at him.

"Yeah, it's fine... But I think he wants to get serious. Like commitment." I say it like it is a dirty word but I can't deny the flip in my stomach. Levi had been so attentive, so adoring towards me that I didn't know how to handle it. The sex was still mind-blowing and he was still dominating, but there were many times where I would go over to his apartment and he would be so sweet and lovely to me that I wasn't sure what was happening. We even had lunch in public together, gaining many weird looks from some of my superiors.

"Fine? Seriously? You dating Captain Levi-"

"We are not dating!" I hiss at him and Hiro grins as I whiz over to the next rooftop. My face had blazed a bright red and Hiro followed along laughing his booming laugh. "We aren't, we are just fooling around."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Hiro snorted as a loud whistle sounded behind me. Turning around, I saw Mikasa zooming towards me looking frustrated and annoyed. "Did you speak to Eren without her permission again?" Hiro whispered as he stood next to me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up. What's up Mikasa?" I raised an eyebrow at her as she flipped her scarf back over her shoulder. It looked tattered and horrible but she seemed reluctant to get rid of it.

"You two were meant to be in a meeting with the rest of us an hour ago. It's over now. What are you even doing?" She snapped at us and I shrugged, folding my arms behind my head. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"We were bored, we forgot about the meeting and there were some guys from the Garrison were drunk so we took their shift for them so they could sober up," Hiro explained and it was half true. The Garrison men were always drunk but they didn't know we were exactly doing their jobs. Mikasa didn't look impressed at her eyes snapped towards me, her eyes glaring at me.

"Well, Captain Levi wants you both in his office now. Go." She snapped jerking her head towards the military building and I saluted her mockingly before hooking towards the building, Hiro following as he continued to suppress giggles. I turned to him as I landed on the front.

"The hell you laughing about?" I asked him as I ran my fingers through my windswept hair. Hiro caught up easily as he straightened his uniform.

"I was so close to asking whether or not Levi just wanted to see you in his office. I bet he always wanted to do it on his desk." Hiro whispered and I rolled my eyes as we walked through the corridors. We passed a few soldiers who were snickering in our direction and I groaned as I realised that our absence would have been noticed due to the fact there were only three new recruits from the 105th training corp. As we head down to Levi's office we stand there as we catch our breath and I couldn't resist making Hiro's jaw drop.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I stopped before grinning at Hiro sweetly, "Well we've already done it in his office multiple times, around the room. Have fun choosing a seat." I winked before opening the door Hiro's jaw dropped. Levi was sitting there waiting, his expression completely neutral. I felt a sense of relief for the normality but a dark corner in the back of my mind I wanted to see him smile. I'd gotten shockingly used to see him smile at me whenever I was near him and now I expected it.

"Sit." He commanded and I dropped down into a seat across from him and I watched in delight as Hiro hesitated as he looked at the other two chairs free. The best thing was one of them was safe but I was having way to much fun watching him squirm. Hiro began to panic more as Levi continued to write on the piece of papers in front of him. Hiro glared at me and I smiled sweetly at him as Levi sighed.

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