Chapter eleven

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Four years ago

I'm awoken by my brother jumping on my bed, looking mischievous as always and I try to roll over, my head pounding from going to bed so late but he continues. Growling I throw off the blanket and glare at him.

"Michido! Cut it out!" I scream at him and his green eyes begin to fill with tears. "Aw shit, don't cry Michido!" I complain as he falls to his knees on my bed. He begins to wail loudly and my head pounds as I can hear footsteps crossing the house to my room.

The door bursts open and in walks Naoko where a beautiful bright pink apron as he waves a wooden spoon around, "God you two are like children. (Y/N) apologise!" My eyes go wide as Naoko glares at me, pointing the wooden spoon at me like it was a weapon. He ducked down to get inside to my room and I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry Michido. Just, don't jump on my bed like that when I'm sleeping." I pulled the sobbing child into my arms and he curled against my chest, sniffling against me. "It's annoying and rude." I dug my fingers into his side, causing him to laugh. Michido stared up at me with his teary green eyes and they looked almost illuminated. I kissed his light brown hair and pushed him off me as I threw my legs over the side of my bed stretching.

"Oh no, he isn't rude. I'm the one who told him to do it." I stopped mid groan to glare at Naoko and I grabbed the nearest thing I could, which was my pillow and threw it hard at Naoko causing Michido to laugh loudly, clapping. "Breakfast is ready and I need to get to work, you'll be right to look after him?"

"Yeah, Hiro said he would come help don't worry." I waved my hand to cease his worries and Naoko walked away as I bent down and moved my long hair away from my back. "Climb on soldier." I put a harsh gruff voice and Michido grinned before jumping onto me, causing the wind to be expelled from my body. I grunted but stood up straight, hooking my arms underneath Michido's legs as I ran down the hall to breakfast. Michido pulled my hair as if I were a horse but I didn't complain; it never did any good anyway.

"Omelettes are on the table and can you wash up please?" Naoko begged as he threw off his apron. When I nodded, letting Michido slide down my back, Naoko kissed the top of my head, "Thank you. Be good and don't get into any trouble today!" Naoko warned as he ran out of the house, passing Hiro who entered the kitchen.


"As usual. Someone decided that the living room needed redecorating." I turned my gaze to Michido who grinned evilly before biting down on his omelet like a savage. "You eaten?"

"Yeah, mum wanted to know if you guys wanted to come round for dinner? She managed to buy some meat." He wiggled his eyebrows and even though I was eating, my stomach howled at the thought of meat. I couldn't remember the last time I had some. Michido didn't care, he continued to maul his breakfast and I nodded furiously at Hiro.

"Yes, please! Oh, your mum is a goddess, a lifesaver." I praised as Hiro sat down next to me, "Seriously, I could kiss her sometimes."

"Ew!" Michido cried causing Hiro and I laugh loudly at the look of utter disgust on his face.

Every morning Hiro, Michido and I would go out and collect firewood while looking for pretty flowers to decorate the house with. But I was on a mission to build a beautiful bouquet for Hiro's mother for the lovely meat she was going to give us for dinner.

"Seriously I have never seen the point in giving flowers." Hiro sighed as Michido ran towards the village. I shrugged as I fixed the flowers, all of them looking beautiful and vibrate. "They die, isn't that so depressing? You are giving my mother something that will die in a few days."

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