The Journey

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I have woken up late. Its already 5 a.m. and I have to reach the airport by 6. I get ready as fast as I can and leave.

Today me and my friends are going on a journey. We have been given a holiday assignment to discover a place and we have decided to visit South Korea. Despite the rich culture and beauty, kpop was indeed a major driving force involved in that decision ;).

We're 5 friends. (All girls) Talking about kpop, our interests include BTS, Monsta X, K.A.R.D., Blackpink and EXO. Amongst the members of all the gropus, I particularly am biased towards Jimin, Wonho and Baekhyun. (but that doesn't mean I don't stan the others)

Anyhow, the clock is ticking. With a rush I have finally reached.

F#1/N: where the heck were you!? We are freaking going to our dreamland and you dare to be late!

Y/N: Oh gosh I'm really sorry my phone was on silent mode the alarm didn't ring.

F#2/N: Yeah yeah...pity excuses.

F#3/N: guys we can talk about that later okay now come on hurry up or we'll miss the flight.

Y/N: *fakes crying* you've grown up.

And that's how we leave for South Korea. As I climb the steps and walk towards my seat, I imagine how beautiful it's gonna be; my first ever journey to the place I've always dreamed of! Lost in thoughts, I take my seat and close my eyes. But I suddenly open them when I realize someone's calling me.

F#3/N: Y/N that's not your seat. You have to go upstairs.

Y/N: but why??

F#/N: oh I'm so sorry there were only 4 seats available and it was not sure if you were coming or not until day before yesterday so I booked the 4 seats. But only half an hour after that you informed me of your father's approval. There were no seats except for one on the upper floor. I'm so sorry dear I even forgot to tell you.

Y/N: hmm...its alright. Dont be upset we are going on a jouney. Ill go upstairs then. Where's my ticket?

I climbed up and approached my seat. There was a man sitting beside mine, his face was covered with a mask and a soft cover of bangs, such that only his eyes were visible which were closed. There was a magazine lying on his lap.

"Poor man, looks like he was too tired and went to sleep reading the magazine

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"Poor man, looks like he was too tired and went to sleep reading the magazine." I thought to myself.

I softly took the magazine from his grip, closed it and kept it on the side-table. As I did that there came a small moan from the sleepy man.

For a split second I thought I knew that voice, but my thought process was interrupted by the announcement to take our seats and tighten up our seat belts.

I immediately sat down and did as we were all told. I swiftly checked on the man and saw he had already tightened his belts. I looked at him again and wondered how soft and glossy those bangs were as I saw them covering his fair forehead. Should I just remove them from his eyes?

Y/N: yah y/n control! You don't even know him.

I said that loud enough to wake him up. (Damn >_<)

???: I'm sorry

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???: I'm sorry...?

Y/N: huh? Oh no, nothing, I was just asking you to tighten your belts you know, they announced that just now.

???: Oh, thank you. :)

Saying that he removed his mask and gave a smile which was really cute but also hot at the same time. Hey, hang on... "Cute and hot at the same time...?" I slowly shifted my gaze from his plump lips to his chubby cheeks and then finally to his tiny yet deep-as-an-ocean-eyes; and realized who it was.

?" I slowly shifted my gaze from his plump lips to his chubby cheeks and then finally to his tiny yet deep-as-an-ocean-eyes; and realized who it was

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