possiblilites and impossibilities

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"Hyung? Hyung!"

"Wake up you lazy brat."

"What was he even doing there?"

"Yah!! Wake up!!"

The horrific voices vibrated my ear drums, as my eyes slowly opened up to envision their owners.

"Ya-!!!... Oh, you're FINALLY up", Yoongi hyung said looking at me irritably, "jerk".

"Hyung I told you to sleep early! Why do you never listen to me? "

"Hey hey calm down you all what's so serious about waking up a bit late one morning", I tried to calm them down, particularly surprised by the look on Tae's face.

"A bit late? A BIT?!?", he retorted, his expression turning worse.

"What do you mean a bi-- oh! Holy f*** what time is it?!?"

The three looked at me annoyed. Yoongi hyung pointed at the wall clock and it was...

10:03 A.M.?!?!?

Did I really sleep that long?!?!

The three sighed, Tae being the loudest, while I just looked at them speechlessly.

"You even slept in the balcony itself. I brought you here just now after my unsuccessful attempts of waking you up", said Jungkook.

"Do you plan on getting up even now, by any chance?", came yet another annoyed voice, this time the owner being Hoseok hyung.

"Hyung did you not go to the practice either?", Tae asked Hoseok hyung.

"I did. But the part we're practicing right now has Jimin in the centre so we need him."

"I-I'll be there shortly", I spoke as low as I could.

"You better", Hoseok hyung left.

"We'll be going then. Wake up fast and come to the dining room I'll make an omelette. Jin hyung couldn't stay as the choreographer wanted him to do extra practice. He was reluctant to go though", saying this Jungkook went outside with Yoongi hyung.

I instantly got up without any thinking and set off to the washroom when Tae held my hand and stopped me, making me almost trip over.

"Is everything okay?"

"What do you mean? Of course it is."

"Jimin. We've been friends for years."

"I-I know"

"So don't hide anything from me okay? If you ever feel like confessing to someone I'll always be there."

I nodded.

"For now, the concert is around the corner. Wash up and meet me at the practice. I'll be going now."

"I'll tell him when we relax after the practice", I said to myself once he was gone.

Y/N's P.O.V.

With the panting winds striking gently against my window pane, I was gazing at the beautiful world around me.

Due to the incidents which have happened lately, I never got the time to endure Seoul's beauty till now.

"I must plan on going out with my friends today. It's such a beautiful weather!"

Ring! Ring!

It was from mom! Ah, why is it just now that I realize how much I'm missing her??

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