Sparks of jealousy!

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Jimin: Hyung why're you sitting there that's my seat!

Suddenly the room went silent and all the gazes fixed at me and Suga, chatting happily.

Suga: Your name isn't written anywhere on the seat. I found it empty and so I took it. What's the big deal?

Jimin: Bu-

Jin: Yah jiminie he's right. Come here sit with me!

Jimin: But I was the one sitting there initially!

RM: Yes you were but now you're not. Stop creating a scene ChimChim sit somewhere else.

Jimin did not say anything. He just looked at the floor, expressionless.

 He just looked at the floor, expressionless

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Jungkook: Hyung?

V: Yah jimin what's the matter? Do you want to sit with Y/N?

That caught the attention of everyone, specially mine. I looked up to Jimin, surprised yet curious at the same time, expecting an answer like anyone else.

To our surprise, he did not say anything yet again. Before walking off he gave me and Suga a look that clearly showed how very not right the things were.

 Before walking off he gave me and Suga a look that clearly showed how very not right the things were

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He went and sat beside Jin, hardly participating in the conversations. In between he kept giving us glances which made me even more sad.

 In between he kept giving us glances which made me even more sad

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I didn't like seeing him like that, I just didn't. "I'll go and talk to him as soon as I get an opportunity", I thought to myself.

It was Jhope who took the initiative of bringing back the fun in the party which was lost since the uncomfort had crept in.

Jhope: Jin hyung! Why haven't you cracked any of your dad jokes yet? Out of store?

Jin: Huhh? Jin's dad jokes are never out of store! Girls, tell me, what time will you go to the dentist?

F#3/N: what do you mean?

Jin: I mean what I asked. What time?

They all started thinking hard. Even I started to think, though I wasn't in the mood of joking around at that moment.

Jin: tooth-hurt-y!!!! (2:30) hahahahahahahaah

The way he said that and the way he laughed at his own joke afterwards had something so cute and funny about it that I couldn't hold back my smile which gradually turned into a laughter.

Everyone started laughing, except for Min Yoongi. But this time, it was not Yoongi, but Jimin who stole my attention. He was laughing, but it was crystal clear how fake that laugh was.

 He was laughing, but it was crystal clear how fake that laugh was

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I felt a strong pain in my heart when I saw him like that. But I couldn't do anything at that time.

But I thought creating a nice atmosphere would make him normal as well.

Y/N: Hey guys! Enough of talking and joking around, let's dance!

Jhope: Great idea Y/N! I'll show you my moves and I bet you'll love them!

Jin: Yeah hope's good at dancing, but not as good as me.

He then did something which was perhaps a dance, but appeared more like an exercise gone wrong.

He then did something which was perhaps a dance, but appeared more like an exercise gone wrong

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We all burst out laughing yet again, this time even harder.

F#1/N: Hey I'll try that as well!

F#4/N: me too!

One by one everyone got up and started imitating Jin. The sight was so funny I was laughing like a crazy person; so hard that I didn't realize when I put my hands on Suga's thighs and my head on his shoulder.

He didn't react, so I didn't realize. But, someone else did.

 But, someone else did

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