The Nerdy Bad Boy 2

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Chanyeol's POV

Sehun and I stood in front of my mothers hair salon. We had been here countless times to help out or get crazy hairstyles, but today's agenda was a little bit different than you usual.

"Why are we here again?" Sehun asked as he turned to face me.

"How many times do I have to tell you. We are here for a make over" I responded with a frown still not happy about the arrangements.

Our parents were able to find us a new school to attend within a week and as part of our 'turning a new leaf' agreement we were suppose to change our looks.

They wanted us to make a good impression at our new school and stay out of trouble.

"Do we really have to?" Sehun asked with a frown.  He loved his rainbow coloured hair and general look but honestly we looked like a bunch of trouble makers.

"We have no choice

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"We have no choice. It's either that or face the wrath of our parents. I don't know about you but I'm not planning to have another encounter with your dad" I said remembering when he sat us down a few days ago and had a serious talk. My heart was still recovering from his harsh words.

"I get that but I don't understand why he is here" Sehun said as we both turned to face Lay who was standing in between us with a smile. As usual he looked as high as a kite.

"You guys didn't think you were in this alone

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"You guys didn't think you were in this alone. I'm with you every step of the way" Lay said as he pat me on the shoulder.

"But you didn't get expelled like us" I said but all he did was grin. Oh no. I knew that look. What had the idiot done this time?

"If I wasn't home sick that day I would have been expelled with you guys anyway. So why should I fight the inevitable. Anyway its too late. I have already been transferred to the new school" Lay said and Sehun looked at him in disbelief.

"You're crazy" Sehun said.

"Only you would do something like that" I said as I chuckled.

"All for one and one for all" Lay said and we all laughed. I love my friends. I could always depend on them.

"Can you guys stop chatting and come in. You look like a bunch of thugs and you're scaring away my customers" My mother shouted from the inside of the salon.

"Okay mom" I responded with a wave and she smiled through the glass window.

"I guess this is it" Sehun said before taking a deep breath.

"Lets do this" I said and we all headed inside. This was going to be a long day.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now