The Nerdy Bad Boy 8

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Chanyeol's POV

I tossed and turned but I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about Baekhyun, which then made me think of Kai, which then made me think of how much I wanted to break his handsome face, which then made me think of how I couldn't do that without breaking my moms promise, which then brought me back to thoughts about Baek.

I was in a tight predicament. You can imagine the headache I was having at that moment.

My phone beeped and I wondered who would message me at this time.

Hello handsome

I didn't need to be a genious to know that Baek was the one who had texted me.

Daddy Yeol
Is that you Baek?

Yes daddy. Make sure to save my name as baby Baek since I'm your baby boy 😉

And so I did as he wished.

Daddy Yeol
It's done baby.

Baby Baek
I miss you.
You are an amazing kisser.
I can't wait to feel your lips on mine again.

Baekhyun was really straightforward.  He looked adorable and shy but he was the biggest flirt who apparently has a daddy kink.

Daddy Yeol
Baek lets not do this.

Baby Baek
Don't you like me?
Don't you miss me?
Don't you want me? 😥😥😥

Daddy Yeol
Don't cry baby
It's not like that

Gosh why was it so hard to reject this boy. I know I need to disconnect with him but at the same time what I want is a totally different story.

Baby Baek
How is it then?

Daddy Yeol
I'm not who you think I am
I might look like a nerd but I'm serious bad boy
Is that what you want?
Isn't that what you hate about your ex?

Baby Baek
Kai is a bully and that's what I hate
I know you are a good guy Yeollie
But even if you were a mafia lord I would still like you
Even if you try to avoid me I will hunt you down
That's a promise

Daddy Yeol
Okay baby
I won't run
What time do you want to meet tomorrow?

Baby Baek
At 10am
Don't ask me where we are going
It's a suprise

Daddy Yeol
Okay baby boy

Baby Baek
Now read we have a long day tomorrow
Good night daddy

Daddy Yeol
Good night baby boy

All my worries forgotten as I went into a deep sleep.

It was Saturday morning when I got up and got ready. Mom had already left for work and I had about two hours before meeting up with Baek.

Mom left me a note by the fridge:

Since its the weekend I decided to let you sleep in. Breakfast is in the microwave. I love you.

My mom is the best. I took a shower and then had breakfast. I looked at my reflection to make sure I looked good. I was getting used to my new look. It wasn't so bad.

 It wasn't so bad

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THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now