The Nerdy Bad Boy 10

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Kyungsoo's POV

I should be feeling bad for what I did but I didn't. It needed to be done.

I love Baek. I have said it before but this time I wasn't going to let go.

I had been in love with Kai since I met him in junior high when I was new.

I had never spoken to him and admired his from a distance. I was too shy to make a move and he wa seen always surrounded by popular people.

He used to date a lot of girls and I was starting to think that he wouldn't like me because I was a boy.

But everything changed when Baekhyun transferred to our school.

We had always been friends even before he changed schools and I was happy I wouldn't be the quiet nerd on my own anymore.

But Baek and I were totally different people. I was shy and quiet but he was more outgoing.

He loved making new friends and mingling with the crowd.

Because of this it didn't take Kai to long to notice him.

He approached us one day I was so happy to finally talk to my longtime crush but he was only interested in getting to know Baek.

I was used to Baek receiving love confessions from boys and girls but why did it have to be Kai who confessed to him that certain day crushing my heart to pieces.

It didn't take them a week to become official. For them to flaunt their love in my face.

My position would always be that of Baeks best friend and nothing more to Kai.

It broke my heart but after some time I tried to move on. I met a lot of good looking guys but to my disappointment they only wanted Baek's number from me.

I thought things would get better when Luhan came as a foreign exchange student from China but it just got worse.

It's either they wanted Baek or Luhans attention when they approached me. People only saw me as a messenger and not an individual.

When Baek broke up with Kai I was so happy thinking that now I could finally be with him.

He approached me and we talked but soon I realized that I was only a spy to him because all he wanted to talk about was Baek.

It broke my heart but I still couldn't let go so I allowed him to use me because that was the only way for me to be close to him.

I know I sound pathetic but that's how much I love Kai. Even if I was his last option I would still be happy I was an option to him. That I can be useful to him.

And then it all changed when Park Chanyeol walked into the classroom on his first day.

It was love at first sight. I tried to talk to him but he didn't seem interested. I would try again later I told myself but before I could even try Baek had bulldozed into the situation.

Why did Baek have to take everything good from me? I wasn't bad looking. I was the most intelligent in the class.

Well that was until Chanyeol came into the picture because he is a freaking genious.

He was gorgeous and intelligent. What more would I want in a man.

I took a deep breath before I got out of my car. Today was going to be a different day if everything went according to plan.

When I found out Luhan, Suho and Baek were going on a triple date I was pissed.

I was the only single one who was never noticed and now the guy I wanted was going on a date with Baek.
I couldn't let that happen. I knew it was a bad idea but I called Kai.

I told him that Baek was going out with Chanyeol and he blew up on the phone. I expected that and added fuel to the fire as I talked about how Baek went on and on about Chanyeol.

After the call I asked Luhan were they would be meeting before taxing Kai the details.

Just like Baeks past flings Kai made sure they would all fiddle out.

I hope he wasn't going to be too rough with Chanyeol. I really liked him and didn't want him to get hurt but this was the only way I could keep him away from Baek.

By the end of the day Chanyeol should have broken things up with Baek in fear that Kai would hurt him.

I'm sorry Chanyeol but this had to be done.

I saw Suho, Baek and Luhan standing by their lockers.

"Hey guys" I said as I opened my locker which was right between Suho and Luhan. Baeks locker was two after Luhans.

"How was the weekend?" I asked innocently.

"It was awesome" Baekhyun said and his response puzzled me. Didn't Kai crash their date.

"Well is was until Kai and his friends showed up" Suho added and Luhan agreed.

"Don't remind me" Baek said with a frown. Now I feel better. It means Kai messed up everything.

"What happened? I hope he didn't do anything crazy" I asked looking shocked. I hope he did something crazy.

"I was having the best time with Chanyeol but then he showed up and started threatening him and they talked in private and I was so worried. It was so messed up" Baek said with a frown.

"I'm so sorry Baek. I hope Chanyeol is alright" I was genuinely worried about Chanyeol.

"Oh his fine but it gets even better" Baek said smiling again and now I was hella confused but when I looked at Baek his forcus was elsewhere.

I turned to meet with Chanyeols smile. Oh gosh the way he smiled made me weak in the knees.

"If you will excuse me I need to talk with my BOYFRIEND"  Baek said and turned to him in shock but he was already bouncing in Chanyeol's direction.

"Hey baby" Chanyeol was the first to speak as he wrapped his arms around Baeks waist.

"Hey Channie" Baek said before he stood on his toes and they kissed.


Baek pulled Chanyeol to join us. Luhan was glued to Sehun and Suho was blushing at something Lay said. I felt so out of place.

"As I was saying Kyungie. The best part is that Chanyeol doesn't care what Kai says or does. He still wants to be with me and now we are dating" Baek said glowing and Chanyeol was smiling at him like he was the most precious thing alive.

Class was unbearable because they kept flirting with each other like I was invisible.

Lunch was worse because they kept feeding each other.

Where was Kai when you needed him. Chanyeol didn't have a scratch on him which meant Kai went easy on him.

Maybe if he was a bit more rough Chanyeol would surely back off from Baek.

I looked around the cafeteria and Kai and his friends were no where in sight.

That day I went home early because I couldn't take it anymore. I had to find a way to break them up. I wasn't going to be the loser this time. I was going to make sure of it.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now