The Nerdy Bad Boy 5

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Chanyeol's POV

I was glad when the bell rang signalling lunch hour. I just wanted this day to end and at least we were halfway through.

I waited for Sehun and Lay outside the classroom and they seemed to be taking their sweet time.

I was getting annoyed by the flirty greetings and smiles I was getting from other students and decided to keep my eyes on my phone before I told someone off.

Being nice was so tiresome.

"Finally" I said as soon as they got out but they weren't alone.

"Chanyeol this is Luhan my new deskmate" Sehun introduced and I could see by the way he looked at the pretty boy that he was more than happy with the arrangement.


"This is Suho

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"This is Suho. My new deskmate" Lay said and he also shared the same look.


We haven't   even been here for a full day and they already found potential love interests

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We haven't   even been here for a full day and they already found potential love interests. I had the most weird friends.

Because we were new and clueless about most things in the school we followed Luhan and Suho to the cafeteria.

They were actually friends and said two more people would be joining us soon.

I wasn't in the mood to socialize but the smiles on my friends faces made me think otherwise.

I would be nice just for them. I just hope the rest of the crew isn't annoying.

Without warning someone crashed right into me.

"Oh sorry" it was the pink haired boy from before. He was panting but still gave me a killer grin as he settled next to me.

I had to admit he was very beautiful especially this close.

"Baek why were you running?" Luhan asked I assume the boy next to me.

"No reason" he said before turning back to face me.

"Hey handsome. My name is Byun Baekhyun but you can call me Pooh because all I want is you honey" he said and everyone went quiet.

After a few seconds I broke out laughing and everyone did the same and he blushed.

I honestly didn't expect that but he was the most adorable guy I had ever met.

"Are you sure your name isn't Grace, because you're amazing" I said in response and he smiled.

He had the most adorable box smile which literally took my breath away.

Our moment was interrupted my someone clearing their throat. That's when I realized my deskmate was also there.

"Hi. My name is Do Kyungsoo" he introduced himself to my friends when he realized I wasn't going to say anything.

After that I ate my lunch quietly trying to ignore Baekhyuns stares of adoration and a look from Kyungsoo I couldn't decifer.

Kyungsoo's POV

I had been friends with Baek for years and I loved him I really do but I don't understand why every single good looking guy had to be his.

First he took Kai. My first crush and the boy I have loved since forever.

Now he wants Chanyeol as well.

The moment I saw him enter the class I knew I wanted him. I thought since Baek has Kai then I can have this gorgeous new boy.

But noooo. Baek wanted to take every damn good thing from me and I'm tired.

I'm going to have Chanyeol even if I have to fight dirty. I'm sorry Baek but you brought this upon yourself.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now