The Nerdy Bad Boy 23

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The Nerdy Bad Boy
Chapter 23


“Hey Baek. Want to hang out tonight? Sehun and I planned a little get together since it's Friday and we all need to relax and all” Luhan said as he sat next to Baekhyun.

They were in their final year of university and would be graduating soon. Just a few more projects and exams and it would finally be over.

“You mean you plan to have a crazy party and you somehow convinced Sehun to go along with it because you feel like getting drunk and partying hard” Baekhyun responded giving Luhan a serious look.

“Fine you got me but I promise it won't be all crazy. It will be fun. Everyone is going to be there and I'm not taking no for an answer” Luhan said before kissing Baekhyun on the cheek and saying ‘I love you too.’

Baekhyun just shook his head sideways as he watched his crazy friend walk away.

Even after 5 years all his friends were still dating the same people and their relationships just got stronger.

Kai and Kyungsoo were actually engaged and he was very happy for them.

Its just that sometimes when they hung out together he couldn’t help but remember Chanyeol.

He missed him so much and since he left for military school he never saw or heard from him.

He thought that maybe he would be back soon but two years down the line Baekhyun felt heart broken again.

He tried to get over Chanyeol and even dated a few people but he could never get over his first love.

How much longer did he have to wait.

“You promised you would come back to me. How much longer do I need to wait. You promised” Baekhyun whispered to himself.

In the evening Baekhyun got home took a shower and got ready for the party. He still lived in the same house.

He thought about moving out once but he still wanted to hold on to the memories he had with Chanyeol there and decided otherwise.

Even if sometimes he missed him so much he cried himself to sleep he never wanted to let go of their memories.

He got to Luhan’s house about an hour later and as he expected it was a full blown loud crazy party. He didn’t even understand why their neighbors had never call the cops on them with the noise they make.

He got inside the house and found his friends in the game room.

Sehun’s family was loaded so he and his boyfriend basically lived in a huge awesome house. Luhan said he didn’t want kids but this was the best house for a huge family.

Everyone was there and all seemed to be well.

Even recent friends they had made Kris, Tao, Chen and Xiumin.

Kris and Baekhyun actually dated for a while but it didn’t work out. Then he met Tao and it was love at first sight.

Chen and Xiumin were an on and off couple but they loved each other. The problem was that their families were not only neighbors but enemies. It was like a secret forbidden love affair.

Since they both stayed at the hostels now it was easier for them to be together.

Baekhyun enjoyed watching his friends being playful and silly.

Drunk Luhan was the best entertainment and he kept everyone laughing at his antics.


THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now