The Nerdy Bad Boy 22

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The Nerdy Bad Boy
Chapter 22

Author’s POV

Baekhyun had planned on avoiding Chanyeol at all costs which turned out not to be so hard considering that his boyfriend had not showed up the whole week since the day he was arrested.

As much as Baekhyun had been traumatized by what he saw he couldn’t help but miss Chanyeol.

Most people might think that he doesn't appreciate that Chanyeol had saved him from almost being raped and possibly killed but that wasn’t the case.

He was happy Chanyeol got to him on time before anything crazy happened and appreciated how he beat up those men who had dared to touch him.

But…the way Chanyeol lost control and beat up that one man to a bloody pulp and almost killing him if Baekhyun had not got through to him.

That totally freaked him out and he hated seeing that side of Chanyeol.

He had heard so much about the Phoniex and how dangerous he was but he never expected to see his cool loving boyfriend turn into a monster when provoked.

He felt his phone vibrate but didn’t bother to look because he knew who it was already.

Chanyheol had been blasting his phone with calls and messages but Baekhyun couldn’t bring himself to answer or read the messages.

But he never deleted them. He couldn’t.

“You need to talk to him Baekhyun. You can’t avoid him forever” Luhan said and his other friends agreed.

“I'm pretty freaked out as well and I didn’t see all the action but we all know Chanyeol loves you and he will never hurt you” Kyungsoo said but nothing seemed to get through to Baekhyun.

“Chanyeol isn’t a bad guy. He may be a loose canon and crazy sometimes but he is a good guy. That wasn’t an act Baekhyun. The good guy you knew was who he really is. He is really trying his best to change for the best. This was just a slight bump in the road” Lay said but Sehun stayed silent.

The two boys weren’t in the best of moods since the night at the police station and they had not got a chance to even see Chanyeol after everything.

“I need to go” Baekhyun said as he left the group without another word off the school premises.

He had been this way all week and they were all worried about him.

They knew how much he loved Chanyeol and hoped this was just going to be a small scratch and not a big dent in their relationship.

On Friday Baekhyun finally decided to go through the messages Chanyeol had sent him.

He took a deep breath before doing the one thing he had dreaded all week.

Baekhyun I'm sorry I didn’t mean for things to get that crazy.
Please answer my calls. I miss you.
I know you said you needed time but I need to see you Baek, we need to talk.
Baby I love you please answer my calls. I can't live without you.
I promise to get better Baek just please stop avoiding me.

That's what most of the messages were saying even if they were more than 100, but his last message is what got Baekhyun up and alert.

First of all I want to apologize for everything Baekhyun. When we first met I didn’t want anything to do with you and I wanted to be invisible and stay out of trouble. But then you wouldn’t quit and in the end I couldn’t help but fall in love with you. I should have pushed you away but I decide to be selfish and look were that got us. I never deserved you Baek. You have always been too good and pure for a guy like me. I'm trouble and that’s what I brought into your life and I'm sorry for that. I love you Baekhyun and I understand why you wouldn’t want to see a monster like me. I promised to change and never lose control again but I can't seem to keep that promise.

I want to become a better person. For myself, for my mom, for you. This is why I have made a decision. I'm going to military school. I promise to change and become a better person. I love you Baekhyun and if you still feel the same way when I get back I hope you will give me another chance. I hope I will finally be worthy of your love and be the best man for you.

Baekyun was full on crying when he had finished reading the message.

“No no no no. He can't leave me like this” Baekhyun said as he rushed to get his keys and left the house.

He bumped into Luhan, Kyungsoo and Suho on his way out.

“Baek where are you….oh my gosh Baek whats wrong?” Kyungsoo said as he held the other male but was pushed away as Baekhyun rushed for his car.

“He only realized he was shaking when he tried to put the keys into the car door to open it but failed.

“Baek calm down. You cant drive like this. Tell us whats going on” Suho said as he held Baekhyun’s hands.

“He…he can't leave me. I won't let him” Baekhyun said and they all understood what was happening.

“You know” Luhan said giving him a sympathetic look.

“You knew?” Baekhyun asked and they all nodded.

“Lay and Sehun went over to his place straight after school to help him pack and see him off” Luhan explained.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Baekhyun lashed out a bit angry he was the last to know.

“We tried but you…you didn’t want to listen” Kyungsoo said and Baekhyun just burst into tears whispering that it was all his fault Chanyeol was leaving.

The reason he stayed away the whole week now seemed petty. He couldn’t lose Chanyeol. He had to see him and convince him to stay.

A few minutes later they arrived at the park residence with Suho on the wheel.

Baekhyun ran out and ran to the front door before barging in without knocking.

“Chanyeol” he cried out.

“Baekhyun” he turned to face Mrs Park who seemed to also be sharing the same depressed tear stained look as Baekhyun.

“Where is he?” Baekhyun immediately asked but the look she gave him wasn’t very encouraging.

“I'm sorry Baekhyun…he…he has already left” she said and at that moment his whole world crashed into a million pieces.

Baekhyun lost all feeling as his knees crashed on the floor but before he could fall any further Mrs Park hugged him and hugged the crying boy like a little baby.

“I'm sorry Baekhyun. I wish there was another way. I love him so much but it's been so hard since his father died. I feel terrible for sending him away. When he told me he was willing to leave I was happy but the minute he said he was leaving I was crushed as well. We just need to be strong and patient. He will be back. He promised” she said before holding the wailing boy even tighter.

They held into each other both thinking of the one person they loved the most.


Will Chanbaek have their happy ending?

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Will Chanbaek have their happy ending?

- chubbyeol_jones' beta/editor

© chubbyeol_jones

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now