The Nerdy Bad Boy 25

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Many people must have forgotten about this book. My bad. A lot of my books we're not updated because I felt uninspired but I'm getting back on track. One book at a time.


Chapter 25

"So how's daddy?"

"Shut up?"

"Ohhh come in. Is baby Baek sulking because he misses daddy" Baekkie burst into laughter at Baekhyuns attempt at a glare, "I'm just kidding bro. But you have to admit that was soo funny"

"It was embarrassing. I barely got through the rest of dinner wishing the ground would just swallow me" Baek said as he buried his face in his pillow. He still couldn't look his dad in the eye since the incident.

At that moment his phone rang and Baekkie ran to grab it first. After looking at the screen she burst into laughter, "Daddy Yeol is calling. Oh my gosh Baek I had no idea you were so kinky" Baek grabbed his phone before shoving her out of his room.

"Hey baby boy. I miss you"
"I miss you too daddy" and he heard his sister laughing in the distance and just rolled his eyes before smiling and settling on his bed.

It was about 6 months later and his sister had visited him to drop off something by the house and ended up staying over.

"It's a bit busy today and I can't leave but I really wanted to see you"

"Me too. Tell you what. Let me get ready and come over by lunch time. At least we can spend thatch time together before you have to go back to work"

"That's perfect baby. I will be waiting" Chanyeol said and they talked a bit more before Chanyeol had to go to his boxing class.

Chanyeol had made a bit of money and decided to open up a gym. He wasn't the type for an office job and like his mother would rather open his own business than work for another person. His mother actually helped him fix the place up and they were up and running after a month.

They thought it would take a while to get clients but it seemed they picked the perfect place for a gym and the gym instructors/ friends he had made in the military were very good looking men and so a lot of ladies joined the guym for eye candy purposes. The self defense boxing program Chanyeol set up was also a bestseller and many people were interested as well as getting their kids involved.

So far things we're going so well and the coming Saturday was the day of Kai and Kyungsoo's wedding.

As soon as Baekhyun arrived at the gym all the staff greeted him.
"Hey Lisa" he greeted the young girl by reception.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. I was getting extra annoyed with those vultures around your man. Boss is so hot it's hard to keep them off him" Lisa said in frustration. She was like their number one fangirl and hated how the girls would shamelessly flirt with her boss even when they know he is a taken man.

"Leave it to me sweetie. Just watch them run" Baekhyun said before walking up to the woman surrounding his man.

"You seem to be getting really popular. Should I be worried?" He said causing Chanyeol to turn away from the girls.

"Of course not. You know I only have eyes for you" Chanyeol said with a smile his eyes stuck on his little boyfriend ignoring the disappointment women behind him who had used fitness advise as an excuse to get his attention.

Baekhyun stood on his tippy toes and kissed Chanyeol on the lips causing wolf whistles to echo in the gym.

"Everyone back to work" Chanyeol said with a laugh and got 'yes boss' in response.

"I brought lunch" Baekhyun said with his usual dazzling smile.

"Let's pretend I'm hungry for food right now. Let's go to my office. I made sure it was sound proofed..." He lowered his voice down to a whisper and leaned closer, "So you can be as loud as you want" Baekhyun had never blushed so much in his life but rushed to the said office.



"F*ck baby...your ass should be illegal"
"Like that"
"Ohh yes yes yes yes...ahhh"

Chanyeol ended up shutting his boyfriend up with his lips because he was getting too loud and he pounded harder and faster in him. Baek could only hold on tighter, his arms on his shoulder and legs around his waist. Until they both came hard.


"I love you" Chanyeol said trying to catch his breathe.

"I love you too" Baekhyun said before they cleaned themselves and redressed before going out back into the party.

"Where have you two been. Baek you're my best man you need to be with me at all times. Don't tell me you've been f*cking at my wedding. You guys hump like bunnies" Kyungsoo complained as soon as he saw the pair.

"Calm down baby. You know they are covering up for lost time. They are late bloomers. Anyway Baek doesn't need to be by your side at all times. That's my job now as your husband" Kai said causing the shorter male to smile and blush before they kissed.

It didn't take time for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to join their friends and other guests on the dance floor. But after a while Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun by the side.

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked because it was clear his boyfriend seems nervous and there was something on his mind.

"I...i just wanted to be alone with you" Chanyeol said before biting his bottom lip and looking at the beautiful view of the city. The wedding was on the rooftop of a very famous big hotel and so they could see most of the city from where they stood.

"Chanyeol I..."

"Let me finish baby...When I made the decision to leave that day. It was the worst day of my life because I thought I had lost you, my mom was furious with me, I broke my dads promise and my life was just falling apart. I love you so much Baek and the thought that I lost you because of my own stupidity and lack of controlade me realise that I needed help. I needed to get better. For myself, for my mom but especially for you. If I wanted to be with you I knew I needed to sort myself out. I wanted to call you every single day but I told myself not to even try until I deserved to be with you. I was so hard Baek. And I was so scared. That I would be too late and you would have found someone more deserving than me. Thank you for giving me a second chance" Chanyeol said before he laughed, "It's funny how the first time I met you I told myself I need to stay out of trouble and you came with a lot of it and so I decided to stay away from you... But now I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much Baek and... I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Chanyeol got on one knee and opened a black velvet box.

"Oh my gosh" Baekhyun was already in tears at this time and shaking, "yes Yes YES CHANYEOL... I have been waiting for this day for so long of course I will marry you"


The end😁
Finally put the last chapter in this book. Sorry it took so long. Thank you for reading and loving this book. Thank you for being patient with me as well.


THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now