The Nerdy Bad Boy 19

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Chanyeol's POV

I knew dumping Baekhyun by Kyungsoo's house was a good idea. They needed to sort out their conflict and get over all that had happened.

But a part of me was worried that if it didn't work out I was going to be in big trouble.

I already knew Baekhyun wasn't the type to be easily angered but when he was mad he could really keep a grudge.

If it was up to him he wouldn't have spoken to Kyungsoo forever.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang.

Only Sehun and Lay ever came to the house and I knew we didn't have plans to meet today.

Mom usually just got in. It was her house.

I reluctantly stood up and opened the front door.

I was both worried and relieved when I saw Baekhyun.

Worried because he might still be mad and kick me between the legs before he demanded his belongings.

Relieved because he actually came.

But I was shocked when he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

Was this a trap or did the plan actually work. Did he sort things out with his best friend?

"Thank you" he said out of breath when he finally broke the kiss.

I guess things worked out. But before I could respond my back was pushed against the wall and our lips met yet again.

I wrapped my arms around his waist after I made sure the front door was closed.

We didn't need the little kids next door asking their parents why the teenagers next door were sucking each others faces.

I didn't care but my mom made it very clear she didn't appreciate being approached by the neighbors about the issue.

All went well until I felt Baek go for my jeans zipper.


"Whoa Baek slow down" I said as I held his hand in mine. We were still by the entrance passage of the house and I would be more comfortable if we stripped in a more private room even if it was jus the two of us.

"Daddy please...I just want to show you how much I appreciate you" he whispered seductively before kissing me again and I couldn't fight him.

He had me in the palm of his hand and by the time I realised he had successfully unzipped my pants he pulled them down along with my boxers slightly as my rock hard dxck sprung out.

I opened my mouth to stop him but all I could do was groan in pleasure as he took me into his mouth.

"SHIT..." Damn Baek really knew what he was doing as he sucked onto my huge dxck like it was his favourite candy.

He twirled his tongue around the head and pushed into the slit as his one had played with my balls while the other stroked the rest of my dxck.

"Ahhhh...FXCK" I moaned a whole bunch of profanities and he took me in deeper until I could feel myself down in his throat.

He moaned and the vibrations he sent through me just made me harder if it was possible.

Soon he was bobbing his head up and down. I held onto whatever I could with one hand while I hurried the other in his hair encouraging him to move faster but left him in control.

The slurping noises he made with his mouth just made me more aroused and soon I came in his mouth.

It had been so long I felt like I wasn't going to stop coming and Baek swallowed everything before he liked me clean and looked up to me with an innocent smile.

And then people think I'm the one who corrupts him when he is the one who clearly iniatites intimacy between us. 

I was still trying to catch my breath when the front door opened.

"Oops. It seems I have forgotten to buy some milk. It should take me about 30 minutes. Yes" I don't turn to face mom but the door shut less than 2 seconds later.

"Oh my gosh" Baekhyun said as he stood up in embarrassment.

"You mom saw us. Oh my gosh. She will be back in 30 minutes" he said turning red in embarrassment and he looked adorable.

"That's enough time" I said I exchanged our positions and pushed him against the wall.

"For what?" He asked puzzled.

"For me to return the favour" I smirked and he looked shocked.

"Your mom just saw..."

"Me with my dxck out. I grew up running around the house naked so its nothing new. Now let's be quick before she finds you with your pants down" I said as I unzipped his pants and before he could say another word I took him in my mouth earning myself a load scream.

Gosh he sounded so sexy.

I pulled his pants completely off because I had a little more in mind.

I stroked him with one hand while I coated the other with saliva.

I placed his thighs over my shoulders before I took him in me mouth again before I my soaked fingers played around his rim.

"Ahhhh...Yeollieeeeee....ahhhhh" he couldn't even speak and soon I was fingering him while sucking him off and as soon as I hit his bundle of nerves he came in my mouth with a scream.

The neighbors definitely heard that but I loved it.

After 30 minutes the front door opened and my mom found us in the kitchen as I started on making dinner and Baekhyun avoided looking at my mom in embarassment.

He was just too adorable.

"Thank goodness everything seems to be locked up in its rightful place. I didn't notice before but you have definitely grown a lot" mom commented with an innocent smile and I just rolled my eyes.

Baek just looked like a tomato and I couldn't help but laugh.


Sorry my good people for being so quiet

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Sorry my good people for being so quiet. Work was hectic.

Hope you enjoyed.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now