The Nerdy Bad Boy 18

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Baekhyun's POV

I felt like the most horrible person in the world.

Kyungsoo always use to tell me about his crush even before I started going to the same school with him.

He never told me the guys name but one thing I knew is that he was madly in love with the guy.

And then what do I do?

The first thing I do as soon as start going to the same school with him is steal his long time crush.

I feel like the most horrible friend in the world.

"Im so sorry Soo. I had no idea. If I had known Kai was your crush then I wouldn't have dated him at all" I said thinking about the time I was with Kai and I was basically flaunting our relationship in his face.

I used to get all close and cuddly with Kai right in front of Soo. Imagine how he felt.

He must have been so heartbroken. So much that he ended up resenting me.

"No Baek I should be the one apologizing. I never told you Kai was my crush and so its not your fault. Also Kai approached you and asked you out. It wasn't you who approached him which meant he liked you" he said but I could now clearly see the pain in his eyes thinking that Kai chose me over him.

"I would have rejected him. Our friendship is more important to me than a boy" I said and meant every word.

"Why didn't you tell me? I feel like the worst person in the world. I'm so sorry Soo" I said fighting the tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"I wasn't even brave enough to confess to him and I was afraid for people to know I had a crush on him. I was afraid if I got rejected I wouldn't be able to walk in public if people knew" he said as he wiped his tears.

"But that doesn't justify what I have been doing to you. Now that I think about it my reasons are pathetic" he said looking away from me but I moved closer and held his hand.

"I won't judge you. If you have something to say I will listen and will never judge you" I said and he ended before giving me a sad smile.

"When you first came to me saying you had a boyfriend I was happy for you but got so heartbroken when I discovered it was Kai.

I had known him longer than you but he never seemed to notice me but you were new and in less than a week he noticed you and didn't hesitate to ask you out.

I was already insecure but it all just made me feel worse. I tried to let it go and be happy for you but it was so hard and I resented you for a while. I felt like you came and took over.

You were everything I wasn't and everyone liked you. Including the guy I was crushing on. When you finally broke up with Kai I thought that maybe now was my chance to be with him.

You don't know how happy I was when he approached me. But then my happiness was shattered in an instant when he started asking about you. At first I just tried to avoid him because I didn't want to spy on you for him.

I decided to try and forget about Kai and move on but everything I thought a potential guy approached me all he wanted was for me to hook him up with you. They all treated me like a messenger but no one took genuine interest in me.

Imagine how I felt. And so when Kai approached me again this time I jumped on his offer. I helped him break up your relationships or potential relationships.

It was stupid but then I thought that if I can't be happy then we all can't be happy. But that wasn't all.

A small part of me still wanted Kai to notice me because I could never really get rid of the feelings I had for him. I was far too deep to get out and so I took it as an opportunity.

I thought that if we spent more time together then maybe he would grow feelings for me. But that never seemed to help. He just seemed more determined to get you back even when you made it clear that was never going to happen.

I got tired of it and of him and so this time I was going to let go and forget about him no matter how hard it would be.

That was the time Chanyeol and his friends joined our school. The first day I met Chanyeol I...I liked him. He was handsome and cool and I thought that finally I had a chance.

I decided to put my shyness aside but before I could make a move once again the spotlight was on you again.

You didn't hesitate to get him focused only on you and I was invisible again. I felt angry again and all the pent up feelings I had in the past just came up again.

When Kai came to me I was sucked in again but this time it was in hopes that maybe I could be with Chanyeol. But I went too far this time and I'm so sorry Baek. I shouldn't have tried to break you guys up" Kyungsoo said and I couldn't believe this is how he truly felt all this time.

But I wasn't angry about what he did to me because indirectly it was all my fault as well. Not once did I ever stop to consider his feelings.

"I'm sorry Soo. You are my best friend and I love you. I don't care about what has happened and I hope we can get past it all and be close again" I said.

"I would like that" he said with a sad smile and I pulled him in for a hug.

My best friend was struggling with so many things and not once did I ever check if he was fine. If he needed me. I was too focused on my own happiness to consider his.

I'm so sorry Soo.

" you still Chanyeol? If you do...then I can.."

"No Baek don't say it" Kyungsoo said as he pulled back.

"You and Chanyeol are perfect and love each other. I could never break you apart. It took me a while but I realised you two are meant for each other. Don't let him go" he said.

There he goes caring more about my happiness over his.

"What about Kai? Do you still have feelings for him?" I asked.

"I thought I was over him but considering that we had sex the other day I'm not so sure anymore" he said covering his pink cheeks.

"What the hell. I haven't even had sex with Chanyeol. You work fast" I said with a laugh and he literally turned red.

"Baek. Its not funny. I'm so confused" he said.

"So does this mean you guys are together now?" I asked.

"I don't know. We make out and stuff but we never talked about it. For all I know it could just be sex for him" he said.

"Tell him how you truly feel if you still want to be with him. Its been so long already. Its time for you to confess"

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now