The Nerdy Bad Boy 15

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Chanyeol's POV

I guess everyone has a dark side if the right buttons are pushed at the wrong time.

I had never thought I would ever see Baekhyun beat up another human being, even worse his best friend.

He was so shocked and at first I wondered why but later heard it had something to do with Kai from their exchange.

I stopped the car as soon as we got to my house.

"What are we doing here Chanyeol? Please take me home" he said his voice lowered as he tried to push down his anger.

I know he was still mad I stopped him from beating up Kyungsoo but I didn't want him to get in trouble.

We were all still in the school parking lot. From past experience I knew that the longer a fight went on the higher the risk of getting caught by school authorities.

I didn't need Baekhyun ruining his perfect record over anger and this is why I had to stop him.

"I can't do that" I said unbuckling my seat belt. He hadn't bothered to put his on or even allow me to.

"WHY?" He lashed out looking at me with fire in his eyes.

"BECAUSE I DONT WANT YOUR MOM TO SEE YOU ALL BRUISED UP AND HURT" I matched his voice but it just seemed to piss him off even more.

"Fxck you" he said before he got out of the car after grabbing the house keys.

By the time I came out with our bags he was already in the house.

I got into the house and set the bags down in the living room. He was no where in sight.

I found him in the bathroom checking his reflection in the mirror.

He wasn't seriously injured. His fist was bruised from punching Kyungsoo and he had scratches on his cheek and arm from rolling on the ground.

Can't say the same for Kyungsoo though. I didn't stay long enough to see how bad he looked but Baekhyun had given him a few good hits.

"Baek baby" I whispered as I stood behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.

I needed to tend to his injuries before he went home. I didn't want his parents to see he had been in a fight. No parent would be happy about that.

"Why did you stop me Chanyeol? Kyungsoo deserved everything I was giving to him" he said unwrapping my arms and pushing me away.

"Violence is not always the best way to settle things Baek" I said and he laughed before rolling his eyes at me.

"Says the guy who has beat up half this town. I know you also beat up Kai's friends when they bothered us. Don't be a hypocrite Chanyeol because you also solve things with your fist" he lashed out.

I felt like that was a low blow but he was speaking the truth.

"But you're not me Baek. I'm messed up but that doesnt mean you should be as well" I said but we just seemed to keep raising each others voices but next thing I knew he were hardcore making out.

"I hate you" he said as he ripped off my shirt before pulling me back into a deep kiss.

I pulled off his shirt throwing it aside before grabbing him by his thighs. He wrapped them around my waist as we kissed again.

I balanced his back against the wall and we made out with his hands roaming my bare chest while my hands firmly grabbed onto his ass.

I felt him get even harder against my stomach and I knew he could feel my bulge against his ass.

"Ahhh....yesss..." He moaned as I devoured his neck concentrating on his sweet spot over and over again.

I placed him on the counter before dipping my tongue in his mouth. Sucking on his lips and tongue loving the way he moaned.

I rubbed my clothed erection against his and he shook from the friction.

"Shit...that feels so good" he moaned matching my thrusts against him.

We kissed and rubbed harder against each other until we both came.

We both looked at each other panting hard. He looked to wrecked and fxuckable.

"I thought...we were finally... going to... do it" Baekhyun said with a smile.

"Believe me when I say I want to bury myself deep into you and pound into you so hard that you won't walk the next day...but...I didn't want our first time to be angry sex" I said before kissing him.

"I understand" he kissed me.

"I think I need to take a shower and I need some clean clothes" he said looking at his soiled pants.

"Sorry about that. I couldn't trust myself with clothes off" I said with a smile.

"Its okay. I don't regret it. It felt amazing and I trust you" he said before getting off the counter and taking off his pants and boxers.

He looked so damn sexy with his thick thighs and plump ass.

"Are you coming?" He asked right before winking at me and jumping into the shower.

He didn't have to ask me twice.

Kyungsoo's POV

I couldn't believe Baekhyun had found out about my plans with Kai. I should have been more careful.

After he left with Chanyeol. More like after Chanyeol dragged him away I was given disapproving looks by Suho and Luhan.

"Is it true?" They both asked. I know they were hoping it was a misunderstanding but I couldn't lie since I had been exposed.

All I did was nod as they gave me hurt looks before they left without saying another word.

I was on my own. All my friends were angry with me and I had no one to blame but myself.

Baekhyun was my best friend but I believed he would never forgive me for this.

I felt terrible for betraying him as all I had done came crashing down on me.

I had no one to turn to and this is why the only person I could think of right now was the boy I had loved for years.

It took me a few minutes before I had the courage to knock on his door but soon enough I was face to face with Kai as he opened the door.

"Oh my gosh. Soo what happened to you?" He asked as he looked at my swollen eyes and bruised face.

I didn't say a word but all I did was grab the back on his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

And guess what?

He kissed me back.

THE NERDY BAD BOY (COMPLETED) ( CHANBAEK / BAEKYEOL ) Where stories live. Discover now