part -23

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Both Anika and Shivaay are looking at each other with so many emotions in their eyes......
His eyes are having so many emotions....shock,surprise and many questions are clearly visible in his eyes but there is another emotion in his eyes.....he is adoring her with his eyes...what ever may be the situation.. he never failed to adore her....she is looking beautiful....this is the first sentence that came in to his mind before getting shocked and surprised.....within a fraction of seconds his thoughts are replaced by shock.....he realised the fact that Anika is standing here as sanskar's sister....that is she is here as his business partner's family....but she is an orphan according to him(Shivaay) who only has her little brother(Sahil) with her.....but suddenly the man infront of him who became his business partner that evening is claiming his wife as his sister... everything is so clumsy to HIM,the Shivaay Singh Oberoi doesn't know completely about his wife...this hurt his ego but more than that he is confused.....he wanted to confront her but before that Anika said something which made him more shocked....
Anika(looking at Shivaay or precisely asking him to agree to her with pleading eyes) - haa.....chote.....I know him... actually we know each other as I work as his event manager....I mean...
Sanskar (shocked) - what ?? U work under oberoi's as an event manager ??
Anika(looking at Shivaay with pleading eyes) - ha sanskar.....
Fear is clearly seen in her eyes...she doesn't want sanskar to know about the truth... atleast not now....
Shivaay (in mind) - u r going to pay for this Anika....but before that I wanted to know Ur side I will play along with u...
Shivaay (nodding to her) - ya mr.sanskar.... I know Ur sister as she is our EVENT MANAGER....(stressing the word event manager)
Anika sensed the upcoming storm but she kept quiet seeing sanskar....
Sanskar - but di U didn't tell me that u r working for the oberois...
Anika - woh... sanskar....we didn't get time I am going to say u but before that this all happened....
sanskar nodded at her.....
Sanskar ,realising that they are still standing asked Shivaay to take the seat...
It's a round table..... sanskar sat between Anika and Shivaay....
Sanskar took the menu card and looking into it while Anika and Shivaay are staring each other......
Shivaay's anger is clearly visible...he is already angry with her for her words which she spoke in the evng...and now his anger rose to a higher level.....
Sanskar and Shivaay said their order to the waiter...and when Anika is about to say.... sanskar said...
Sanskar - please di...not chole bature... As today mrng only u had it...
Anika smiles and orders some other items...
while Shivaay gets puzzled....
Sanskar looks at his face and says...
Sanskar - woh... actually mr.oberoi di loves chole bature a lot that she can live her whole life by eating that....
Shivaay is shocked...
Shivaay - chole bature....aur Anika ka favourite ?? R u sure mr.sanskar...
Sanskar (smiles with a questioning look) - yes....I know about her favourites....
Anika is about to stop before it's gets late but it already got late...
Shivaay - I thought that her favourite is aloo puri..... isn't it Anika..??
Sanskar (laughed) - kya ?? Aloo puri aur woh bhi di's favourite ?? No way....
Shivaay gets more shocked.....
Shivaay(a little bit louder) - what ??
Sanskar - yes di hates aloo puri....she doesn't eat it but she learnt making it just for me... because I love aloo puri....
Anika(interfering) - woh.... actually chote mr.oberoi isn't I love aloo puri more.... actually when u went away I missed u so much that whenever I remember u I used to make aloo puri and have it...and u know na I remember u almost every day....(smiles at him)
Sanskar smiles with slight tears in his eyes side hugs his di...
Sanskar - sweet of U di..  I love u...
Now Shivaay connected the dots and he got to know that person who wrote that note to Anika is sanskar.....
He is surprised by their love and he got more angry that y didn't Anika tell him(shivaay) anything if she is so close to him.....
Shivaay - u both love eachother a lot.... Don't u ??
Sanskar - yes a lot....hai na di...
Anika nods but she is afraid of Shivaay...
Shivaay - Anika...tum ne kabhi bataya nahi ki tumhara ek aur chota bhai hai ??(Anika....u didn't tell that u have another younger brother??)
Anika understood the sarcasm in his voice....
Anika(stammers) - mr.oberoi.....I didn't tell because....
Sanskar (to Anika) - woh... actually di doesn't expect that I will come back to her again...
Shivaay is about to ask something but just then the food arrived.....Anika thanked her stars for that...
They started eating Sanskar and Shivaay are talking but Anika is silent.....
Shivaay - r u feeling bored Anika ??
Anika suddenly looked at him as she is busy in staring her plate to avoid his gaze....and hearing his voice she got startled and looked up.
Anika (fumbles) - no.....I am o..k mr.oberoi....
Sanskar - di waise toh aap bahut Bolte ho....Aaj kya hua ??(di normally u speak alot what happened now ??)
Anika - no sanskar....I am fine.....
Just then sanskar's phone rings...he keeps it in silent but Shivaay forces him to attend it and he excuses himself and goes away to attend the call...Anika knows that Shivaay wanted to confront her and that's y she excused herself to go to washroom but Shivaay pulled her and she landed in the chair next to him... That is she landed on sanskar's chair...
Anika got afraid of his red eyes...
Anika - Shivaay please.....
Shivaay - y didn't u tell me anika ??
Anika(teary eyed) - I will tell u everything later Shivaay but now please let me go....if chote comes he will get suspicious.....I don't want to loose him again Shivaay please I beg U...
Shivaay didn't understand her words completely but he let her go because he got to know one thing that she doesn't want sanskar to know the truth....
Anika went and sat on her chair....
Just then sanskar came and sat....
Sanskar - sorry mr.oberoi.....i got late...
Shivaay (murmured) - thanks for coming late.....
Sanskar (confused) - sry......
Shivaay - I said it's ok.....
Sanskar smiles and they continue their dinner....
Sanskar - u know what di ?? Even mrs.oberoi uses wierd words like u.... I thought that only u can use such words and even mr.oberoi thought that only his wife can use such words.....what a coincidence.....
Shivaay - and that's true.....
Anika is tensed but Shivaay covered it....
Sanskar(confused) - ji....
Shivaay - I mean that's true..... we thought like that.....
Sanskar - yes.....
Sanskar smiled convincingly......
And Anika sighed...
All the three of them finished the dinner.....and went out....
The time is 11 and none of them noticed the time....
All the three are standing outside.....
Shivaay and sanskar shook their hands.....
Sanskar asked Shivaay about his car and Shivaay said that his driver is bringing it....
Sanskar - di...u stay here....I will bring the car....ok... please don't go's late.....
Anika knowing he is afraid of her safety nods and assures him.....
Shivaay(smirks) - it's ok mr.sanskar....ur sister is so independent....and daring....she will go out alone even in midnights.... U no need to worry.....
Sanskar - what ??
Sanskar gives an angry look to Anika and leaves...
As soon as sanskar leaves Anika burst out on shivaay who is a volcano ready to burst at any time.....
Anika - Shivaay what's the need to say this to him....he is already worried about me....y do U always create problems for me....
Shivaay (angry) - shut up Anika....just shut up.....if my intention is to create problems for u then I wouldn't have played along with u infront of ur so called brother.....
Anika - wait.... that's not completely's true that u r my boss.... aren't u ??
Shivaay - no....I am Ur husband and that's the only truth I believe in... Did U get that ??
Anika - no...and we will soon get divorced.....before sanskar gets to know anything.....I don't want him to suffer in my messed life.....
Shivaay (in a dangerous voice) - I am not gonna divorce u and that is final... And coming to the point....tell me the truth ??
Anika - which truth ??
Shivaay (sad smile) - ha u have hidden so many truths from me that now u don't even know which truth I am asking about....
Anika(guilty) - it's not like that Shivaay.... I wanted to tell u about sanskar but I don't want to give myself a false I thought to tell u about him after he returns..... And finally when I got to know about his return....I couldn't say u as now there is no need for u to know about me as we are no longer its u and me Shivaay......
Shivaay(cold but calm) - Anika.....y r u so stubborn in pushing me away from Ur life ?? I was already angry with u about the evening incident now don't raise my anger with Ur words....
Anika - what wrong did I say Shivaay ?? I was right in the evening... Ur wife died that day itself when u have thrown her out of ur life.....
Shivaay holds her hands tightly and pulls her closer.....
Shivaay (eyes get red with anger) - Anika......
Anika knew that she had hit the bull's eye but now she can't backoff.....she so wanted to control her tongue but it slipped from her tongue due to frustration.....
Anika(teary eyed) -'s paining...leave me....
Shivaay (loosening his grip) - what about the pain u r giving me Anika ??
Anika went back and turned her face and the tears started falling.....
It's not because of physical's because of the pain of seeing Ur love in pain.....
Shivaay is about to hold her back but he saw sanskar coming with a car....
Shivaay's car came a long time before but he is talking to Anika so didn't get in to the car....
As soon as sanskar saw them...he smiled at him... sanskar is about to get down the car but Shivaay signed him not to and Shivaay hoped in to his car giving a final angry look to Anika.... And his car left.....
Anika too came and sat in the passenger seat...she knew that sanskar is angry with her but she knows how to pacify him....
Sanskar is silently driving the car....
Anika - chote before u get into any conclusions let me clear U one thing... Mr.oberoi's words didn't mean that I used to go alone at night always.... He meant that I can manage alone.... That's all
Sanskar - di....phir bhi....u know na.... Even after that incident....u r not taking care of urself....
Anika - happened once that doesn't mean it happens always....and whatever may happen....I have to stay strong right.....
Sanskar (pissed off) - why don't u just agree to me for once.....y do U always need to argue over everything....
Anika(remembering shivaay's words) - oh bete ki....even u feel like that....
Sanskar - who else feels like that ??
Anika(without realizing) - arre woh Bagad Billa Oberoi.....
Sanskar(confused) - hu....oberoi...??
Anika(realizing) - woh.... actually.... Shivaay Singh Oberoi.....i call him Bagad Billa sometimes.....
Sanskar (laughs) - what ?? Di how can u call him like that....he is so sweet and humble.....
Anika - u r the first person to call him sweet.....Tadi toh koot koot kar bhari hai unme(he is full of attitude)
Sanskar - acha u know him very well...
Anika - ha who else will know about him more than me,omru and dadi....
Sanskar - who is omru ??
Anika - om and Rudra are Shivaay's brothers.....and my best frnds too... Shravan is talking about those two only....
Sanskar(slightly worried) - di r u that close to Oberoi family ??
Anika - ha.... because I know them very well sanskar....they are very good...
(In mind) I am sorry chote...I can't tell u the whole truth now.....I don't have that much courage....but I can't put u in dark even....I will talk with omru and shravan first......
Sanskar (in mind) - y is this di so close to oberoi's....I mean I know mr.oberoi (Shivaay) is a nice person and his brothers too as they are Di's best frnds....but I can't trust her....she can hurt my di....but she doesn't know that she is my di.....she doesn't even recognise me....but what if she already knows about di and what if she tries to hurt di ?? No.....I can't let my sister go away from me....this time I am not weak....I am strong enough to protect my di.....i know there are no chances of her knowing about di as di herself don't know the truth but I can't take any risk...I have to do something.....
Both Anika and sanskar are immersed in their own thoughts....they reached their home and immediately went to bed after changing as they are too tired to talk.....

@oberoi mansion

Shivaay gets a call from Khanna that the person called Anika that time is sanskar.... Shivaay scolds Khanna for taking so long to find it out and then Khanna reveals a news which surprised Shivaay.....
Khanna - sir....we got to know about the number...and it's on laksh MAHESHWARI's name.... but when i went more into this...I got to know that this number is on laksh Maheshwari's name but it's used my mr.sanskar who is actually Mr.SANSKAR MAHESHWARI.....
Shivaay (shocked) - what ?? Sanskar is actually a Maheshwari ?? But Y is he hiding his identity ?? Khanna I want each and every detail of sanskar... Every single thing......that too as soon as possible....
Khanna - yes sir...
Saying this he hung up....

@next mrng

Sanskar got ready and went to meet someone urgently.....
Anika gets ready for work but with fear in her eyes....
She called om...
Om - hello bhabhi....
Anika - om....where r u ??
Om - I am in Oberoi mansion bhabhi ?? Why ??
Anika - when is Mahi getting discharged ??
Om - today evening....and ha bhabhi i forgot to tell u...prinku is coming today....she told to inform U as Ur phone is not reachable.....
Anika - good that she is coming...when I called her last time...she told that she is busy in adjusting with the new house and arrangements.....I don't know y Ranveer needed a transfer so badly....he can work in Mumbai too na...
Om - ha bhabhi....even I told prinku to convince him but he is adamant..... Everything is fine untill prinku is happy...but if he had hurt prinku then I am not going to spare him....
Anika - relax om....he is changed now...he loves prinku...he even threw Kamini out of the house for prinku.....
Om - ha bhabhi that's y I am trying to trust him... Shivaay too convinced me that prinku is happy with Ranveer and if Shivaay says so then it must be true because no one can think better than Shivaay when it comes to family.....
Anika - ha that's right.....

(Guys from here this episode's idea is given by sannaya08....hope I expressed Ur views nicely....)

Anika(continues) - acha om I need Ur help....(Anika says how she talked about her death to Shivaay and also about sanskar and their dinner)
Om - what ?? This much happened and u didn't even bother to tell me ??
Anika - it's not like that om...u were already worried for mahi...I don't want u to get tensed unnecessarily.... Acha now tell me how to deal with this bagad Billa...
Om(chuckles) - don't worry bhabhi... I will open back door for u and I will make sure that Shivaay doesn't see u and u can enter Ur room silently and do Ur work in the room itself for sometime.... And u can come out after Shivaay leaves to office...
Anika - wahhh...kya kidhkitod plan banaya hai tumne...(wow.....what a wonderful plan u have made)
Om - ha devar kiska hu...(ha whose brother in law I am ??)
Anika(chuckles) - acha ok bye om...I am leaving and I will reach in an hour...
Om - ok bhabhi take care...
Anika leaves and enetrs OM from the back is taking her by making sure that no one sees Anika as they will inform Shivaay if he asks them...
Finally Anika reached her room and she smiled at om and om went away to divert Shivaay.......

Precap - Shivaay's anger and Anika tells about sanskar and her story to the obros(shivomru)

Guys I know that this episode is boring and not up to the mark as I am in a bad mood but I can't make u all wait more so I wrote it....hope u like it.....

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