Teacher!Steve x Male!Reader

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"Mr. Rogers?" You knocked on the door the staff room where Steve and Bruce were sitting. Yes, Bruce and Steve as in the Bruce and Steve of the Avengers initiative. Since the battle of New York, Fury had realised that there is an increasing need of agents that could one day join or even replace the Avengers. So Fury assigned everyone to teach the subjects they specialised in and recruited some agents. You were not technically at the top of the class, but you were taking every subject and doing rather well and were even the youngest in the academy so it wasn't a surprise that the Avengers had grown rather fond of you. Steve taught combat and battle strategies where Bruce taught Biology and Chemistry.

Steve looked up from the book he was reading and smiled brightly. He sat straight and pulled a chair next to him, "Y/N. Come sit." He gestured. You smiled and sat down, while Natasha and Bruce stuck to the typical teacher student relationship, the others were mostly casual and friendly to you. You sat down and greeted Bruce as well. He smiled at you and greeted you in return. "So, let's see your doubts." he said as you opened your book and pulled your chair closer to his. You had missed the last class and Steve had promised to clear your doubts, if any, in any free period in the staff room.

"This one. I've read this a couple of times but I still cannot see the concept clearly to be honest." You said, passing the book for Steve to look at.


"All done. Why'd you miss the last class anyway?" Steve asked you as he closed the book. He did not hand you the book though, which meant he still wanted to talk about some things.

"Um... I was... I had some plans." You mumbled, rummaging through the pages.

"Paul didn't come to class either yesterday. Were you two on a date?" Steve asked bluntly. You sighed and nodded, knowing lying to Steve would be rather frivolous. "And you do know that your exams are not far, right?" Steve raised his voice. Bruce looked up from his book and raised his brows at Steve.

You looked down and nodded, "Yes sir. But it was only-"

"And if I have to be honest, Paul isn't the greatest of the guys." He added.

You sighed, "I did not go on the date because I like Paul." You told him, looking up at his confused countenance. "He's been bugging me for quite a long time and has even followed and stalked me a couple of times. I just went out with him once to get things over with. He's really... scary, I guess."

"Scary?" Steve frowned. Bruce put his book down and listened in, though none of you two even bothered his presence.

"He would get really close and touch me, you know? Like I've warned him a lot of times but how he-" you stopped talking when you saw Steve clenching his fists real tight. "Are you okay?" You looked at him.

"Why didn't you tell any of us before?" Steve asked.

"It's all over now. I told him square and clear that I am absolutely not interested in him. He just said he'll leave me alone if I went out with him for a day." You told him.

"That's okay, Y/N. But if he bothers you again, do let us know. Okay?" Bruce spoke up before Steve could. You nodded. "Now go back to your dorm, I need to talk to Steve about something." He said and you left.

"Are you out of your mind?" Bruce asked Steve who was still fuming with rage.

"What?" Steve looked at Bruce, his teeth still clenched.

"He's at least ten years younger than you, well probably eighty. And he's your student." Bruce said and suddenly Steve's face paled, his anger seemed to go off.

"Wh-What... What do you mean?" Steve stammered.

Bruce sighed. "It was all very clear."

"You can't blame Capsickle though, Y/N really is cute." Tony joined in and Steve was all red and blushed by now.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now