Heartbroken!Steve x Male!Reader [PART TWO]

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You swallowed hard and sat in front of Steve again. You took his hands in yours and he didn't protest this time. His head remained down, his eyes fixated on the floor. You gently tapped on his fingers.

His eyes widened as he looked up at you as he realised what you had said to him in morse code. 'We need to run. Now.'

You nodded and Steve's mind went to alert right away. He could see it now, a shadow had moved. You tapped on his hand again, 'Follow me.' You said and stood up, pulling Steve after you.

"I... I can't do this anymore, Steve. This needs to end." You acted. "I only came here for closure and you..." you made your voice tremble and Steve acted along, although he couldn't help but wonder about this new side of you. Were you really lying? Your expressions and words seemed so honest to him. "You're the selfish one here!" You said and pushed him back.

You walked over to him and both of you were close to the edge of the roof now. "I'm the selfish one?" Steve spoke up and boy was he bad at faking shit. Before his poor acting skills gave you away, you ran into him and tackled him so that both of you fell down edge.

Steve screamed. He screamed hard. You chuckled, knowing Jarvis' internal security system will soon be its way and held on to Steve. Soon enough, an Iron Man suit grabbed you two seconds before you could hit the ground. "Why did you do that?" Steve yelled, his eyes wide.

"Jarvis, take us to my place." You said, ignoring Steve for now. You could see people looking down at you from the roof against the moonlight.

"I'm sorry, sir. The protocols suggest-"

"Override. Code 435218." You said and the suit wrapped around your body mid air. Once in, you grabbed Steve and flew back to your place.

"How did you do that?" Steve asked as you landed on your balcony. "Does Tony know about it?"

"No." You shrugged. "I programmed an override code long ago, knew it'd come handy some day." You said and got into your apartment. Steve got in after you as you started grabbing necessary things.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Can you get the red bag from the closet?" You asked as you frantically put things together.

"Y/N." He said and grabbed your wrist, stopping you as he looked into your eyes. "The truth. Now."

You took a deep breath and sighed, "It's some kind of a mafia." You said. "I... they're after me. I'll tell you everything on our way. Please, just trust me." You begged, knowing there wasn't much time before they got here.

Steve looked into your eyes, not knowing whether he could trust you or not. Seeing how easily you had lied on that rooftop had made him question everything he knew about you. Even after being with you for years, he had never seen you lie like that before. Or were you lying back then too? "No. Not this time." He said and crossed his arms across his chest.

"I have informed Mr. Stark of the current situation, sir. I have detected Cryo vehicles a mile away from here. You need to leave now." Jarvis spoke through the iron man suit as it came in through the balcony.

You gritted your teeth and looked at Steve with pleading eyes. Finally, he gave in. "Alright." He said and went to your bedroom to get the bag. You felt your stomach quench at how Steve had trusted you again when he had every reason in the world not to. You gulped and grabbed the necessary things, not being able to help it when memories came rushing in.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now