Steve x Drunk!Male!Reader

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"Oh God, my head's hurting so bad right now." You mumbled as you made your way to the kitchen, drinking some water.

"Yeah, you went a little over the top on the drinks last night." Clint chuckled from above a shelf, his new favorite place to perch.

"I don't really think I want a recap. I guess it's better I can't remember anything." You sighed as you sat on the counter, looking up at Clint who sat with his legs crossed on the shelf. Besides Clint and you, there was nobody else on the floor. And that's when Steve walked in to the kitchen.

"Oh there you are." Steve grinned as he made his way to you, not noticing Clint. He stood way closer than usual which made you a bit uncomfortable. Clint had his brows raised as well on the changed stance that Steve held.

"Woah. You hungover too, man?" You immediately jumped off the counter and backed away from Steve just after he leaned in towards you.

Steve just stood there, looking at you confused. "Wha... I don't... I mean-"

"Oh God, please tell me I didn't sleep with you last night." You said, your eyes wide at even the thought of it. You had had a crush on Steve ever since you joined the Avengers but you very well knew he was as straight as a line and sure as hell wouldn't be interested in a teenager like you. Nonetheless, seeing Steve's changed behaviour, that was the only thought that could come to your mind.

Steve was frozen to his spot. He spoke after a long pause in the conversation, "Of course not." He said, his body rigid as he took his usual stance of a fighter than a lover once again. "Just a bit hungover like you said, I guess." He lied, pouring his cup of coffee.

"Damn Tony's parties get to you like anything. See you later, man." You patted his back and walked back to your room.

Steve sighed and took a seat, closing his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee. "You had sex with him, didn't you?" Steve heard Clint's voice which made him look up with shock. "Yup, been here the whole time. It's written all over your face, you had sex with him." Clint said with a saddened expression as he got down and took a chair next to Steve.

"You can't tell anyone. Please. If Y/N finds out... I don't want our friendship to end." Steve begged Clint.

"I ain't telling no one, Cap." Clint said as he refilled his cup of coffee. "He was drunk, I know. So it happened. But you were more sober than anyone last night, what happened to you?" Clint asked.

"It was a mistake." Steve said, his jaws clenched.


"Woops." You giggled as Steve caught you mid air when you tripped over your untied shoe laces as you tried to make your way to your room.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Steve asked, concerned. He had been watching you all night. Worried over how much you were drinking, he had even tried to warn you once but you didn't bother.

"Never better." You grinned and tried to stand straight. Steve sighed and got on his knees as you leaned back to the wall of the elevator lobby. Steve tied your shoe laces and helped you into the elevator. "Have I ever told you before how handsome you are?" You said, looking at him as if in some sort of trance.

Steve blushed and looked away, "Yeah well, you too buddy. Let's get you to bed now." Steve said as the elevator doors opened to your floor.

"Tickles." You giggled as Steve helped you to your bed. "Wait, I want to change~" you said with a pout. Steve nodded and went to your closet to get you some clothes to change into. He handed you the clothes and turned away in a distance. You struggled a bit but were successful in taking your clothes off, putting the others on was the difficult task. You somehow got into your pajamas but your t shirt got stuck half way through. "Welp." You said after struggling for a while.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now