Thor x Male!Reader [PART ONE]

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"Please have patience, sir. The king will be joining you any moment now." The man spoke again. You were pacing the room, fuming with rage as the man repeated the same words he had said at least a hundred times before. It all just didn't add up to you. One moment you're sipping coffee in your balcony and the next you're in closed quarters in a whole different world. What vexed you more was the fact the room seemed to be magically guarded, so you couldn't use your powers anymore. There was a knock on the door after sometime and the man walked out, only to walk in after a minute. "Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. King Odin will see you now." He said and left the room once again. The doors opened wider this time and a burly looking man seemingly filled with pride walked in. He held a spear in his right hand and had his one eye covered.

"It's good to finally see you in person." He spoke and opened his arms for a hug.

"Woah hold your horses old man. First you motherfucking abduct me from my home to a whole another world and you expect me to hug it out?" You lashed out as soon as you got the chance.

"How dare you disrespect the god of war and-" spoke a woman who accompanied the man but was silenced by him.

"Please wait outside, Valkyrie." The man said and the woman left.


"Damn." You said as you sat back down on the chair. The man was right when he suggested that you might want to sit down for this one.

"I hope you understand." Odin said in desperation, and you could hear the need in his voice.

"I understand but you have to see it from my point too you know. It just does not work like that, you can't just abduct someone and expect them to marry your son like that." You argued.

"But we have been watching you for quite a while now. We are aware of your interest in men. And my son fits right in your preferred type, as you Midgardians would put it." He said.

"Okay so you just want me to marry your son because this Jane girl's broken up with him and he's sad and apparently I'm a perfect match for him?"

Odin sighed. He had already explained you the working of the stars and planets in the universe and how coming together of you two could be everything this kingdom and his son, Thor needs. "Yes. I want you to help him gain his sanity back so I have the worthy heir I'll pass my kingdom to."

"And if I'm so worthy and perfect, you say. Why don't you just crown me instead?" You wiggled your eyebrows, expecting a chuckle but you only got a groan and a face palm. "Alright alright. But it's super stupid, even you have to admit it. Grabbing a stranger and begging them to marry your son." You shrugged. "Now, what's in it for me?" You asked, maybe Odin had something to offer you that could be worth it all.

"My men have kept a close watch on you, Y/N. We know how you've had to move from town to town because of your powers and the shitty places you've lived at. You have no one that cares for you back on Earth, here I'm offering you the life of a god. To live in the royalty and finally settle for once. We'll be your family, I know you've always wanted one." He said. Well, that did get you to thinking about it all. You had nothing to lose on Earth and if you could live like a prince for sometime, who'd want to refuse that? Maybe this Thor guy would not want to live with you in the end and you'll just ask Odin a compensation of all the time you spent here. And that way maybe you could get yourself a place here.

"Fine." You finally said.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving my world, I owe you a lot." Odin stood up and pulled you in a hug even when you clearly showed how reluctant you were to it. "I'll have my men escort you to the palace. They'll show you the room you'll be living in until the day of marriage after which you'll be moved to Thor's room." He said and left. Soon after, a couple of men came in to take you to the palace.

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