Prisoner!Steve x Male!Reader (Supernatural Crossover - PART ONE)

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You grunt you as you're dragged through series of doors until you approach what you hope is the last one. Seriously, when did doors get so annoying?

Probably six years ago when your ex slammed one in your face. You chuckle to yourself, earning a raised eyebrow from a guard.

As you hoped, the last door finally came and you were plummeted down to the cold concrete floor, hitting your head. You heard the door shut behind you before you could gather yourself. Your head buzzed a little when you heard hurried footsteps towards you.

"Are you okay?" You heard a voice and then felt someone touch your shoulders.

"Get the fuck away from me!" You yelled and pushed at whoever it was. You finally look up to see bright blue eyes and blonde hair. That was all you could notice before everything went dark.


You groaned as you turn on probably the shittiest mattress that could have ever existed.

"It's okay. Your head will hurt for a while, you hit it pretty hard on the floor." You turned to the voice and saw a man sitting on the floor opposite to the bed you were now sitting on.

You looked around and saw the cell. The walls were gritty and the cell had nothing but one small bed which was currently occupied by you. Other than that, there was a toilet at the other corner of the cell. There were no windows and the only source of light was a rusty ceiling light. Then your eyes turned back to the man who was looking at you carefully. "Who the fuck are you?" You asked.

"Language." The man furrowed his brows.

"Oh, boy." You rolled your eyes and stood up to go over to the cell door. You banged hard on the metal door, "Oy! Who imprisoned grandma?" You called.

"Sarcasm." The man said and stood up. "And you can hold your posture well, so you don't have a concussion at least."

"Okay, yay. I'll give you a party when we get out. Now, do you know where we are?" You asked.

Steve sighed and sat down on the bed with a heavy sigh. "Not exactly." He said, looking at you before he laid down and crossed his hands behind his head. Why is he being so rude? I did nothing but help him. Steve thought.

"Right." You scoffed and narrowed your eyes, "And what do you think you're doing on my bed?"

Steve cocked his head and raised a brow at you, "Your bed? I've been sleeping on this for the last eight months and just because I felt sorry for you and put you on it for a night, it means it's yours?"

You grinned, "Nice, so she does know how to clap back."

"I'm a he." Steve said as-matter-of-factly. You just rolled your eyes and sat down on the floor.

"I was out for the whole night?" You asked.

"Seven hours and twenty minutes." He replied. "Can I sleep now?" He said and closed his eyes. You sighed and rested your head against the wall, looking at the ceiling.


Steve was woken up by a heavy thud and the closing of the cell door. He jolted awake to see you on the floor, trying to get back up on your feet. Steve immediately scurried to you to help you.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Steve's eyes widened and he backed away upon hearing your almost inhuman growl.

Steve watched as you failed to stand up over and over before you finally gave up and skid over to the corner by the door. Steve wanted to ask you what had happened but he chose not to, for now. It looked like you had been tortured but there were no visible bruises or cuts.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now