LoverBoy!Steve x Male!Reader [PART TWO]

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"Look at you. So handsome." Steve said dreamily as you ate your food. Honestly, you were just about to moan since the food was so delicious. Yep, you were on a date with Steve Rogers better known as Captain America. God it felt so weird. Steve had complimented you at least ten times now although yes you did indeed put a sizeable effort in your outfit for the night but only because the restaurant Steve was taking you to was a really fancy one.

"Um, thanks." You mumbled through a mouthful.

"What?" He asked. He couldn't understand what you had said because of all the food in your mouth.

You chewed and swallowed it, "Thanks." You said awkwardly. And the rest of the date went like that. Steve dismissed all of the waiters and served the food himself for you which was kinda cool but his compliments about literally everything and anything was getting a bit too much. You understood he was deliberately doing that because he knew you lived for attention and there was no denying it.


"Favorite color?"


"Favorite ice cream flavour?"

"Chocolate." Steve chuckled. "You're eating one right now." He added.

"Right." You laughed. You were currently strolling down the sidewalk with Steve with ice cream cones in your hand. The dinner was great and the champagne was fucking amazing which you wouldn't dare not say that you had had a lot of. And right now you were currently playing a game that's ultimate goal for you was to prove Steve's a creep and for Steve was to prove that he knew everything about you. "Okay so..."

"I think I've already proven that I know pretty much everything about you." Steve said as he turned to face you and you two stopped walking. You realised that you had walked all the way down to the Avengers tower which meant Steve's car had been forgotten back. It was crazy how time had passed all of a sudden in a walk, maybe it was the first time you had actually talked to Steve.

"Yeah, you have." You admitted.

"Thank you for tonight, Y/N." He whispered. "It was the best night of my life." He added and leaned down causing you to back away.

"No, Steve look. The dinner was nice and everything but-" you didn't get to speak as he crashed his lips on top of yours. You tried to push him but his stance wouldn't falter and now not could you back away as you realised you had been back up into the wall.

"I've been waiting for this for so long..." he whispered and kissed you harder, his hands sliding under your shirt.

"Steve..." you managed to push yourself away from the kiss and you managed to slide beneath his arms to get away. "I'm sorry but I can't." You teared up and ran away. You didn't hear from him or anyone else on the team for the rest of the night as you stayed in your bedroom.


You woke up with a slight hangover and it was now that you remembered getting a couple of shots with Steve before going to dinner. You opened your eyes and grabbed your phone by habit.

18 missed calls.
72 text messages.

"What the fuck?" You mumbled to yourself as you put your phone on the dock. "Jarvis, please read out my notifications." You laid down and listened in as Jarvis read them out. Fuck.


"Steve!" You banged on his door with in an attempt to boil off your anger.

"Y/N?" You heard him call through the closed doors and the door opened a couple of seconds after. "Good morning." He gave you a bright smile.

You pushed him through and entered his room, "Why the fuck is everyone I know on SHIELD congratulating me?" You almost growled but you really couldn't with your voice.

Steve smiled, "They are? How nice of them to-"

"Oh let me dumb the question down to your soldier brain." You raised your voice, glaring up at him. These were the times you hated being the shortest on the Avengers team. "Why the fuck did you tell everyone we're dating? And how exactly did you spread the news?"

"Um... I-I don't... I mean maybe it was... I don't think-" he started stuttering nervously.

"Hey! Get it together, what did you do?"

"I just posted the picture of us from last night..." he said.


"On Instagram." He said and you immediately unlocked your phone and went to Steve's Instagram. You read to caption as: Finally a date with used to be Mr. Hard-To-Get!
PS: He's my boyfriend now.

Your eyes widened at the amount of likes and comments that had poured in. "Take it down." You said immediately.

"No." He said defensively.

"Steve, we're not actually dating. I am not your boyfriend." You said in a tone that one would use to teach a child something.

"We are dating." He frowned. "And you are my boyfriend. We kissed last night." He said.

"You fucking forced it on me!" You yelled at him. And that was it. People never yelled at him and Steve decided his boyfriend and to-be fiancé definitely shouldn't. You looked away before you could notice the rage and disappointment in Steve's eyes. You stormed off towards the door as Steve spoke up.

"Jarvis, lock the door." He said and the door snapped shut.

"The fuck? Jarvis, open the door." You said. You were vexed alright but Steve's voice that had a hint of a possessive growl in it was putting you to a panic edge.

"Command unauthorised." Jarvis said and you turned to Steve.

"Steve, open the door." You demanded. He still had his back towards you. "Steve, I said something." You said and he turned around. His eyes were welled up with tears and his whole face red with held back anger.

"I have had enough of you." He said with an eerie calm. "I've done everything to make you like me and yet you treat me like I'm nothing." He raised his voice which made you take a step back as he walked forward. "Why can't you see it?" He asked, digging deep in your eyes. "You're the one at fault here. I love you more than my own life and even everybody around says we look good together." He said. You hadn't realised how close he had gotten till he put his hands around your wrists. "You're the one who's thinking it all wrong. You're the reason I'm suffering. But this ends here." He said and tightened his grips on your wrists.

"Ste-" He pecked your lips but didn't fully kiss. He pulled back to look at you but didn't let go of your wrists. "Steve don't. Please just let me go and-" he gave more of a kiss this time.

"You're my boyfriend and there's no denying it. Mama always said to take things that you deserve when they don't come to you on their own." He said, completely misinterpreting the context of those words.

"Jarv-" he grabbed your chin and kissed you much deeper this time. Once he was done and pulled back, you were almost breathless and panting. He let go of you and backed away.

"Stop being so selfish for once and think about what I said." He said. "Jarvis, unlock the doors." He said and you rushed out and to your room.

Was it really you who was on fault here? Is your relationship with Steve really meant to be? Should you stop fighting and really give in?


Part three? 👀

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now