Kinky!Steve x Male!Reader [PART ONE]

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"Evening, Captain." You opened the door to your apartment with a wink.

You met Steve through Grindr about a month back. The first date was really casual and formal. The guy wore a suit to the restaurant for fuck's sake. But you found it really nice and the whole date was everything that you needed amidst the chaos in your life. Steve looked like the guy that'd stay.

Although, the second date took a direction neither of you were prepared for. Your car had gotten towed when you got out of the restaurant with Steve so he offered to drop you. Seeing that no cabs were available either at that hour, you agreed. You had only invited Steve in for a cup of coffee when certain hormonal surges led you two to your bed. That was the best sex of your life. And from then on, you two mostly met for the sex and the actual-date frequency shimmered away.

Steve immediately felt a twitch in his pants when you called him captain and took a heavy breath, "Won't even let me in first, huh?" Steve said with a blush as he ushered in and closed the door behind. He leaned forward to kiss you and you heard a thud to which you pulled back.

"What's the bag for?" You asked, looking at the bag that Steve had just dropped to wrap his arms around you.

You looked at Steve and noticed his ears were turning red. "Well, I have an event to attend tomorrow early in the morning. Thought I'd stay the night and leave tomorrow?"

Oh, shit. He wants to stay the night. "Oh, um..." you gulped. What a great night he had chosen though. You bit your lip, not sure what to say. "I actually have a meeting tomorrow." You said.

Steve got the hint almost immediately. He kept his poise and merely smiled, "Oh, it's fine. I'll go back, don't worry." He said. He had very deliberately planned to stay the night today to hint you that he wanted more than just random dates and sex nights, though he wasn't complaining.

"I mean, you can stay if you-" Steve cut you off by walking up to you and kissing you again. He didn't want you to pity him and have him stay merely out of sympathy. But that's only of the things that rode his mind at the moment. Boy was he horny.

You had gotten around to understand some of how Steve was. He was mostly a gentleman. More chivalrous than anyone else you knew.

But when he had sex on his mind, a completely different side of him would come on. It was like a completely different person and he certainly did not hold back.


"Well, I better be going." Steve said and pulled his arm from under your head.

You sat up on the bed and sighed as Steve stood to grab his clothes. "Had it just been another day..." don't get it wrong. You were interested in taking things further with him as well. It just wasn't the right time. You had an early morning meeting to attend and you were already pretty nervous for it.

"No, no. It's completely fine, I understand." Steve said. He put on his denims and tucked in his shirt.

"Want a cup of coffee?" You offered, feeling sad for having to send off Steve seeing he obviously pre-planned to stay the night.

Steve buckled his belt and looked at you. He really shouldn't. It was clear to him that you didn't want things to go any further and the coffee was probably only out of pity. He didn't want to be pitied on, ever. But somehow he found himself nodding.

You nodded back and put on your underwear before heading to the kitchen as Steve put on his shoes. By the time Steve was ready, so was the coffee. You both awkwardly sat in silence as you two sipped the coffee.

"So what's this event you have to attend tomorrow?" You asked finally.

Steve had to clear his throat before speaking, the awkward silence having had gotten the best of his voice. "It's a meeting, to discuss the stocks of the company. Nothing major." He said. He had heard Tony use the 'stocks of the company' thing before so it just blurted out.

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