Controlling!Steve x Male!Reader [PART TWO]

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"Have patience Tim." You chuckled at the puppy as you made food for him. He was running around you in circles and barking happily knowing you were making his food. You were trying a new recipe today for him. After running away from the tower, you had gotten out of New York and found an abandoned cabin deep in a forest. You had made sure that the cabin wouldn't show up on the radar using a couple of gadgets Tony had given you on your way out. Tony had always warned you about Steve and when you said you were leaving, he was the one to help.

Tim? Tim was the Labrador Retriever pup you had found in a box roadside a month back. He was well grown now but still not an adult. You laughed as Tim started licking your feet. "Stop it, Tim." You laughed and he stopped licking. You continued to chuckle as you poured the food in his plate. "Alright it's ready." You looked down but Tim wasn't there. Then you heard him barking which made you follow it with the plate in your hands. "Tim?" You called out as you entered the living room. Your eyes widened when you saw Steve standing there. "Steve." The plate in your hands dropped to the floor. To your surprise, Tim didn't run to the food instead he kept his stand in front of the intruder. He had stopped barking once you had walked in.

"Y/N." Steve spoke out as he walked towards you. He looked like he hadn't slept for days and the scent told you that he had been drinking a lot. Your breaths fastened as he walked closer to you cautiously as if still not believing he found you.

"H-How did you-" Steve didn't even let you finish the sentence when he crashed his lips on yours. The kiss was rough filled with desperation but it had a stench of alcohol. You kissed back until the bitter taste made it unbearable. You pulled back, your hands on his chest to ensure a safe distance between you two. You were both panting.

"I missed you." He whispered, his fingers caressing your cheek.

"I missed you too." You breathed out as your voice trembled. You had your eyes on the collar of his shirt the whole time.

"You know I don't like it when you lie." Steve warned. "Why didn't you come back?"

"You've been drinking..." you mumbled.

"I had to." Steve sighed, taking his hands off you and standing a couple of steps back. He could tell you had a problem with the effluvium. "Only God knows how hard I've tried to get you back. I looked everywhere, asked everyone. SHIELD turned the ground upside down but we couldn't find you."

"I told you I'd be back." you said, looking up at him.

"It's been three months, Y/N. When were you planning to get back?" He asked but you stayed silent. Steve sighed, "Pack your bags. We'll leave tomorrow."

You sighed and nodded. You didn't want to go back but you knew Steve wouldn't let you go now that he had found you. And if you were to admit, you did miss him a lot too. "You must be hungry. I'll get you something to eat."

"Thank you." Steve looked at you and smiled. A feeling of relief on his face. You smiled back a little. You threw he food that had fallen on the floor and gave Tim some new one as Steve went to shower and get washed up. He had insisted to help you but he seemed tired as hell. You made pasta for Steve and yourself and plated it.

You walked into the living room to see Steve playing with Tim. You smiled and sat down on the couch next to him and set the plates down on the table. "He's cute." Steve chuckled as he put him down on the floor and Tim ran away to his toy, chewing it up and playing with it.

"Yeah. He is." You smiled and handed Steve his plate. Steve moved closer to you on the couch and leaned over to kiss your lips again. It was a quick kiss but he did not smell of alcohol anymore.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to do that more often for sometime." Steve smiled at you. You chuckled as Steve kissed your cheek. "You have no idea how much you mean to me." Steve said nonchalantly and began eating his food. You dug in too, blushing to yourself. Steve moaned, "I don't know what I missed more. This or your food." Steve said which made you laugh and punch him playfully.


"What are you doing?" Steve asked confused when you were making a bed for him on the couch.

"Oh um... my bed isn't that big..." you mumbled.

"I'm sure we can fit in it." Steve smiled and held your hands. You sighed. "I didn't come all this way to sleep on the couch. And I think you understand that." Steve said after a while.

You nodded and led him to the bedroom where Tim was already asleep on his small bed on the floor. Steve saw the bed and grimaced, seeing the bed was big enough for two people. He did not say anything though, he took off his shirt and got in the bed. You shut off the lights and got in too. "I love you." Steve moved closer to you and kissed your lips. You stopped him after a while.

"Steve, I-I don't think I can... I mean-"

"Shh." Steve shushed you with another peck on your lips. "I didn't come all this way just to have sex with you, Y/N." he said and kissed your cheek. "You don't know how much I've missed you. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat." He sighed. "I'm really sorry for everything." He whispered, his eyes were shining with tears in the dark. "I'm trying very hard to change. I will change for you. I'll do anything." He finally broke down and pulled you in a hug, burying his face deep in your neck as he sobbed. "Please don't leave me again. I'm nothing without you." He cried.

"I won't." You whispered and rubbed his back, running your fingers through his hair with your other hand to calm him down. He eventually fell asleep like that. He was snoring lightly, which he did not use to do before. But he seemed at rest. You smiled and fell asleep.


"You ready?" Steve asked as he put in the last bag in the car and got in. Tim was sitting in the backseat as you took shotgun. He was grinning the whole time since he had woken up and he looked much refreshed like he had slept for the first time in weeks. You looked at the cabin once again before you turned to Steve and nodded, smiling. You leaned in to kiss him deeply and passionately before sitting back down. Steve started the car and you two drove back to the tower, your home.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now