Kinky!Steve x Male!Reader [PART TWO]

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"What about this?" You said. You still hadn't come and Steve had always been considerate about your orgasm, making it one of the bests you've ever had. Not to mention how your clothes were in a pile on the floor and your hands were still tied behind your back.

Steve only smiled, "You're an Avenger now, you'll figure something out." He winked and walked out.

"Oh, God." You sighed heavily as you tried to get out of the belt holding your hands in place. It wasn't difficult so you managed to get out of it and got dressed once you were done.

You saw Steve standing in the elevator lobby when you walked in. You raised a brow at him. "I was just looking out so nobody walked in on you." He said. "Did you come?"

You shook your head, chuckling at Steve. "God, Steve. You really should get checked out for Dissociative Identity Disorder."

Steve furrowed his brows, "What does that mean?" He asked as you two stepped in the elevator.

"Nothing." You smiled.

"Okay." He said and stood like the gentlemen. You finally understood all of his chivalry and gentlemen-isms, it probably must've caught on in the army.

"So... this place is pretty big, huh?"

"Yes, it is. Stark really does take a lot of pride in this building, saying it's a state of the art architecture." He said.

Your floor came and you two walked to your room, "Well, goodnight." Steve said awkwardly as you two approached the door. You could tell he was thinking a lot of things. "Tonight was amazing, thank you for that. I'm sorry I couldn't satisfy you. I was just..."

You scoffed and grinned at him playfully, "Jealous?"

Steve shook his head and tried to play it cool by shrugging, "Turned on. Why would I get jealous? It's not like we're a thing." He said.

"Right." You nodded, knowing Steve hoped very well you two were serious. You could see through his lies very clearly. You wanted that too, but you didn't say so just yet. "Well, come in for coffee at least?" You asked. You knew Steve had wanted to stay the night so bad when he had asked you the night before. The guy came with his bag packed, for goodness' sake.

"Um, okay," Steve said after some consideration. He hadn't wanted to leave in the first place. But he thought you would've liked to rest and on top of everything, he didn't want to seem too desperate in front of you. Which he totally was, by the way. It was obvious to him that he was falling in love with you.

"It's so much better than my apartment already. And Jarvis told me it's just the guest room, my actual room is still getting ready for me." You said as you walked in with Steve and went to the small kitchen in the room.

"I liked your apartment better though. It had a personality to it. Mostly because you had lived there for some time and it reflected who you were." Steve spoke and instantly realised he was talking off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bore you." He said.

"You didn't, I agree with what you said." You smiled at him as you brewed some coffee and poured it into two cups. "You seem troubled, is there anything you want to say, Steve?" You asked as you sat down with him on the small table next to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. For lying, I mean."

"Nah, it's cool." You smiled at him. "It was totally understandable. Had I been in your spot, I would've done the same. Also, I would've been so much cooler as Captain America." You laughed and Steve laughed with you.

The rest of the conversation was mostly lead by Steve wherein he told you about his favourite places at the tower and his first-hand experiences with the rest of the Avengers. He gave you notes and pointers and from what he told you, Tony probably wouldn't let the flirting thing go that easy now, but you also doubted that Steve was deliberately building a bad image for Tony in your mind. You couldn't help but smile, knowing he was clearly jealous.

Avengers x Male Reader - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now