Chapter 2

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Picture: Thomas Blood
~Chapter 2~

~Lucas' P.O.V.~

Thomas Blood.

It was Thomas that was sitting by the small stream. He's the future Alpha of the Black Blood pack. He was looking into the sky, a small smile on his face. He looked happy. Content. I felt a strong pull, telling me to go over to him. I didn't, though. I slowly hid behind the biggest pine tree in the area and watched him for a few more minutes. He didn't move from that position at all. Until I tripped and fell like an idiot will trying to get to a closer tree, causing branches and leaves to crunch and snap beneath me. His head snapped over to me and I could see a look of confusion contort his perfect features. Oh skittles. I'm definitely screwed.

I stood up quickly, my face burning in embarrassment and crossed my arms over my stomach, casting my face to the ground. I could hear him stand up and walk over in front of me. What I didn't expect, though, was for him to grab my face roughly and lift it so I was looking up at him.

The moment his hand touched my face, I felt sparks immediately race through my body. He seemed to feel them, too, as he instantly took his hand away and stepped back, a confused look on his face until it morphed into one of utter disgust. As soon as I saw the look, I whimpered and ran away, going back toward where I lived, even though my wolf was crying out and clawing to get out and run back to his mate.


Wait a minute.



~Thomas's P.O.V.~

As soon as my skin made contact with that disgusting little runts, I felt sparks race through my arm and all the way down and around the rest of my body. The only reason I could think of that would cause me to feel sparks is...

Oh, hell no!

I couldn't stop the disgust from racing through my body and contorting my facial features. I CANNOT be mates with the pack runt. A male at that! He must have seen the disgusted look on my face because I saw him develop a worried look on his face and he whimpered before running off. Good. He better run away because if he stayed, I would have ripped him to shreds.

As I walked back to my house, I keep thinking about this whole situation. I still can't believe that I'm mated with a male. And it had to be that stupid little f*g, too! I growled and realized I was already home. Walking in, I could smell dinner in the kitchen and immediately walked there to see my mother leaning over the stove.

I smiled and walked over, giving her a kiss on the cheek and forgetting about everything that just happened. She looked up, a smile overtaking her beautiful features. She had the same brown hair as me and shimmering blue eyes that were the color of the ocean and always filled with happiness. She gave my cheek a kiss and I sat down at the counter.

"How was your day, honey?" She asked me cheerfully. I chewed on my nail, a really bad habit I've had since I was little, and shrugged. "The same as usual, I guess." I replied. She looked at me skeptically but nodded none the less and went back to cooking whatever it was she was cooking. It was a few minutes after complete silence that she asked me the question everyone has been dying to know since I turned 18.

"So, did you find your mate today?"

As soon as she asked, my mind quickly went back to the scene at the park with the little runt and how I felt the sparks. I could feel the anger, hate, and disgust building up inside me, but I didn't want my mother to question me about it so I quickly pushed it down, bottling it up.

"No, Mom, still haven't found my mate," I said. She sighed and walked over to me, wrapping her thin arms around my waist and kissing my hair. "Soon, my dear, soon," she whispered. I nodded and she walked back to the stove. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and ran a hand through my hair before standing up. I told my mom I was going out and quickly ran out the door.


~Lucas's P.O.V.~

When I got to the front of my house, I could see the lights on in the living room and kitchen through the blinds on the windows. I sighed and ran up the deck stairs to the front door. Slowly turning the knob, I stopped to listen in. I couldn't hear them talking or walking around so that must be a good sign.

I opened the door all the way and quietly snuck into the hallway. Before I could even think about darting up the stairs, I felt a cold, calloused hand grab the back off my neck and yank me back. I shrieked and kicked the person holding me but it didn't seem to bother them. When my back was slammed into a wall, I looked up and saw who had caught me. I peered into the rage filled green eyes and knew exactly who it was.


I struggled against his bruising grip, but it was useless against his werewolf strength. I could feel tears sting the back of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I will never cry in front of him. Not after the one time when I was 7 years old.

I write:

Sad is a place

that is deep and dark

like the space under the bed

His eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled strongly of alcohol. He was wearing a white tank top that had many different stains on it and navy blue boxers.

"Were you trying to sneak in, boy?" He snarled in my face. I cringed and tried not to gag at the smell of alcohol and cigars on his breath. 

"N-No, sir," I whispered, tears thick in my voice.

Sad is a place

that is high and light

like the sky

above my head

"What'd I tell ya 'bout lyin' to me, boy?!" he roared. I squirmed in his hold and I felt the punch before I was able to see it. He let go of me and I fell to the floor, grabbing my bruising cheek. He laughed loudly before kicking me in the ribs multiple times. I shrieked when I heard a terrible crack and felt a sharp pain travel through my chest and stomach area. He kicked me in the mouth before retreating to the living room, leaving me on the floor.

When it's deep and dark

I don't dare go down there

I could feel blood everywhere. It was running down my face and I could feel it soaking my clothes. When I tried to get up, I felt a horrid pain in my ribs and cried out, falling back to the floor. Looks like this will be where I'm staying tonight.

When it's high and light

I want to be thin air.

I closed my eyes and darkness quickly took over my muddled brain. Oh, how I love the darkness. It's a peaceful, endless abyss of nothingness. No pain, no hurt, so sadness. Nothing.

This last bit means that I don't want to be here

I just want to disappear.


*Edit 1- 3/3/18*

*Edit 2- 6/3/18*

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