Chapter 14

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Picture: Jaylin Peterson-Blood
Song: Scars- Papa Roach (Lyrics)
~Chapter 14~

~Lucas's P.O.V.~

"Okay, breathe. Yes, just like that. Alright, come on, breathe with me, doll," Thomas said. I gripped his hand and squeezed my eyes closed, breathing through gritted teeth.

I was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. It's been a few months since we found out I was pregnant and I was currently in labor. It's the most excruciating thing in the world, by the way. It felt like I was being ripped apart.

"Okay, you're doing good, Lucas," the doctor said. I nodded and heaved for air while the nurses scurried around behind the curtain.

Oh, right, didn't mention that.

The doctors were currently working on giving me a C-section because, obviously, I'm unable to give birth to a pup naturally. They put a curtain up just under my chest so I wouldn't be able to look at my stomach being cut open.

I looked at Thomas with a guilty look and he furrowed his eyebrows questioningly before I bit down hard on his hand. He sucked in a breath and used his free hand to run his fingers through my sweaty hair.

This was going to be a long night.


Eight hours (yes, eight) later I was laying on the bed, obviously exhausted, and Thomas sat in a chair next to me, stroking his thumb over my hand. He was staring at the ground, wrapped up in his own thoughts and had his other hand curled up in his lap. It was wrapped in bandages from me biting him too hard and I still felt guilty.

~Thomas's P.O.V.~

How was I supposed to take the pup and leave Lucas? I was thinking about how it was going to be possible and finally settled on paying off the nurses and doctors. Easiest way, I suppose.

Over the past year that we've been together, something has changed in me. I don't hate him like I used to. I care about his feelings. I hate hurting him or seeing him sad. I don't want to leave him.

I've fallen in love with him...

But that wasn't the plan. This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to fall in love.

"I'll be right back," I croaked out to Lucas. He nodded and squeezed my hand gently before releasing it. I stood up and walked out, not looking at him once.

I walked through the sterile hallways quickly, needing to find somewhere else to be. I needed to be able to breathe. It felt like the walls were closing in, getting closer and closer by the second.

I stumbled out of the revolving doors, quickly making my way over to the woods next to the hospital. I leaned against a tree, gripping my shirt and pulling it away from my throat. I couldn't breathe. My throat was closing up and warm tears clouded my vision.

The tears started running down my face and I clenched my hair in my fists tightly. No, no, no. This wasn't part of the plan. This wasn't supposed to happen! My parents would kill me if they found out I cared for him.

I'm only supposed to get a pup, a heir to the pack, nothing more and nothing less. I only was in this for the pup. Get the pup, go back to the pack, become Alpha, leave Lucas and never speak to him again. Never think about him. Never...

Love him...

I whirled around and punched the tree I had been leaning on so hard it cracked down the middle. I cursed when I realized it was the hand that Lucas had bitten.

Looking down at my hand, I saw the knuckles were cracked and blood was dripping down my arm, but I didn't care. I could feel myself building a wall, closing off all my emotions.

Numbing myself.

I calmly walked back into the hospital, my hand dripping blood on the floor and my face blanker than a new canvas. People looked at me in worry but I paid no attention to them, only needing to do one thing.

When I made it up to Lucas's room I saw the nurse from before walking to go into the room. I pulled her aside and began trying to persuade her of something.

"I'll give you seven hundred dollars to tell the boy in this room that he can't see his baby until tomorrow. Then you have to sneak me in here late tonight and let me take the baby without anyone becoming suspicious," I said emotionlessly. She gawked at me before quickly shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't-"

"Twenty grand, take it or leave it," I deadpanned. Her eyes widened and she stood silent for a moment.

"Be here at midnight, wait at the back," she said quietly. I grinned and nodded before going back outside to smoke.

~Lucas's P.O.V.~

The nurse came in while Thomas was out doing whatever and told me that we wouldn't be able to see our baby today. I asked her if everything was alright and she told me that everything was fine, I just wouldn't be able to see him. I was sad, but it had to be important.

~Thomas's P.O.V. (Later)~

I pulled the hood over my head and started making my way around to the back of the hospital. It was around midnight and I had to go meet the nurse from earlier at the back.

I flicked my cigarette to the ground and crushed it out before turning around the corner to see the nurse standing there in her scrubs.

"Finally," she grumbled with a roll of her eyes. I smirked and pulled out the four wads of cash from my sweatshirt pocket, handing them over to here. She smiled and flicked away the cigarette i didn't realize she was holding. "Let's get this over with." I nodded and followed her into the dark hospital.

We snuck up to the floor where they kept all the babies and quietly made our way in. There were so many of them, but only one caught my eye. It was a baby boy who was wide awake, unlike all the other ones. That's not what caught my attention, though.

It was his eyes.

They were a beautiful blue, more beautiful that all the oceans and blues in the world. They were more blue than a humans natural blue and it seemed to shine. There was only one other place you could find eyes so brilliantly blue and beautiful on this earth.


"He's mine," I whispered, trying to make it come out as a question. She nodded and I walked over to him. He was gorgeous. Picked him up and he stared at me. He didn't cry or struggle, he just put his tiny hands on my face and stared into my eyes. I had to look away before I got too emotional and turned to walked back by the nurse.

Holding the baby in one arm, I spoke to the nurse. "Thank you, beautiful," I said. I kissed her lips, seeing the dreamy look in her eyes, before walking out. While walking back to town to pick up someone and get all of my things to leave, I found the perfect name for the little blue-eyed beauty calmly sleeping in my arms.



Hullo! I made a new cover XD

Guys, we are almost at 1K reads! The last time I checked, there were literally 999 reads. Thank you all so much :)

I only have you guys to thank.

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