Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

~Lucas's P.O.V.~

"What were you thinking?! Are you crazy?" Thomas yelled as we walked down the gravel road to town. After Thomas had come down and saw me standing there he had to lie to the Luna and tell her that we had been assigned a project together. She was skeptical but agreed to let us go to town anyways.

"I-I wasn't expecting the Luna to answer the door!" I hissed back with a glare.

"Did you forget that she lives there?"

I glared over at him and he snickered, looking back at the road.

It was quiet for awhile, until I remembered how I had been feeling for the past few weeks. I decided to bring it up and see if he knows why I've been sick.

"So, can we talk about something?" I said hesitantly.

He looked over at me and furrowed his eyebrows in thought before replying.

"Of course we can. You can talk to me about anything."

I smiled and nervously played with my fingers, while looking at the ground. When I looked back up, Thomas was looking at me with a curious look and I took deep breath.

"So, for the past few weeks, since we...y'know, I've been feeling really bad. Like, in the mornings I always throw up and I've been bloated. I've also had really bad cramps and stuff like that. Do you know why? Do you think I'm sick?" I said. He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before his eyes grew wide. I was worried for a moment before he smiled and scooped me in his arms, spinning us around. I shrieked and started to giggle before he set me back on the ground.

"What if you're pregnant?" he asked with a smile. I thought for a moment but them frowned. I'm a boy, though. How would I get pregnant? I voiced these thoughts out loud an he looked at me with a confused face. Am I missing something?

"You realize you actually can get pregnant, right?" he asked. By now we had stopped and I stared at him, blinking stupidly. I can what now?

"Didn't your parents teach you anything?" he asked, running a hand through his hair. My eyes widened and I looked up at him, him staring back blankly before he realized who he had just said that to. "Wait, never mind."

"Okay, so," he started. "You are an omega, and you are the submissive in our mating. Plus, you are the mate of an Alpha. A male Alpha at that. So, you are able to get pregnant so we can keep the Alpha blood in the family instead of having to adopt or getting a surrogate," he explained. I nodded in understanding and thought more about it. I might be carrying a baby. I ran a hand over my stomach and smiled. There could be a tiny pup in my stomach, and that brought joy to my sad heart.

"Well, I can see someone is excited," Thomas laughed. I smiled up at him, nodding excitedly. I really am.

"When we get to the store, we can pick up some tests to see if you really are, okay?" Thomas asked. I nodded and had an excited smile on my face the rest of the walk to town.


When we made it to the small store, I was practically bouncing up and down. I raced into the store, ignoring the disgusted looks that were quickly thrown my way and went over to the "female" section of the shelves. I found a pack of quality tests and then walked over to the alcohol section. Can't forget what I originally came for. I grabbed a thirty-six pack of beer and looked for Thomas. I saw him at the front of the store, talking to the cashier.

Making my way towards them, I kept my head down, looking at the floor. When I made it up behind Thomas, I tugged on his shirt and he turned around. I silently handed him the case of beer and the box of pregnancy tests, keeping my eyes on the floor the whole time. I didn't want to be mocked right now. Not with the news I had just been told.

He took them and paid, the cashier not even asking to see his ID. Probably because it was Thomas Blood, future Alpha, that was buying it. She even wrote her number on the receipt. Ugh, people these days, I tell you. I shook my head and pulled Thomas out of the store, finally lifting my head.

The walk back to his house was silent, neither of us in a hurry to fill it. Except for when I thought about when I was going to be able to take a test.

"So...when am I going to be able to take a test? I sure as hell can't take one at home..." I said. He looked thoughtful for a minute before snapping his fingers.

"My mom is going out tonight with a few of her friends and dad is away taking care of Alpha duties. Just stay at my house this weekend," he said. I nodded and we walked slowly, taking all the time in the world.

"I will have to stop by my house first, though," I pointed out. He nodded and we continued walking quietly, listening to the different sounds of nature.


Another one! Y'all should be proud of me, y'know. This doesn't happen often XD I was also suppose to take a shower like 4 hours ago. It's like 10 P.M. now and I have to go to a Birthday party tomorrow x( ick.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Please make sure to vote and comment! (I literally hate asking, but I've gotten like 40 reads on a chapter and then 3 votes. Voting lets me know that you enjoy the story and want me to continue it. Motivation, if you will.) 

*Edit One- 6/18/18*

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