Chapter 18

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~Chapter 18~

~Svetlana's P.O.V.~

It was time for the funeral to begin and Thomas hadn't shown up yet. I was angry, but more focused on the fact that I was at my brother's funeral.

It felt unreal when family members from all over showed up. Some from halfway across the world, some we lived right next to. Some we didn't even know.

But it was worse when I saw mother and father show up.

I sat in my seat and shook with rage when mother had the audacity to start crying, saying how she "missed her little boy".

My wolf was angrier than me, pushing her way at the surface. She wanted to rip the two imbeciles to shreds. I stayed under control and held Andy's hand to calm myself down. The service began and my eyes bugged out of my head when mother was the first person up to speak about Lucas.

"Lucas was...he was always such a great kid," she started. I wanted to rip out her throat. "He was smart, caring, funny. He was the perfect son, that everyone would love to have. I loved him so much. To know that it was his mate that caused him to take his life..." she trailed off, eyes filling with tears. So help me. "...I have no words. There are no words to describe how heartbroken I am that Lucas will not be with us on this earth anymore," she ended her speech.

Before I could stop myself, I sprung up and pointed at the evil being that claimed she was human. Or, werewolf? Whatever, you know what I mean.

"You lying skank!" I screeched. She turned to me and I saw realization in her eyes. She hadn't realized her other child was here. "You hated Lucas! You treated him like absolute crap! You didn't care about him! He was cutting himself and you didn't care! You beat him, for fuck's sake! You're a lying, manipulative, abusive bitch!" I angrily ranted. Everyone gasped in shock and I felt Andy pulling at my arm, silently telling me to sit back down.

Mother's face turned murderous and she looked ready to rip me apart. Ha, good luck with that. "I loved my son," she said. I laughed out loud and people looked at me strangely. I probably sounded like a psychopath.

"You loved Lucas? You beat him. You knew that others were beating him up, and you did nothing. In fact, I remember quite clearly, Lucas coming home full of blood and bruises and you telling him if he got it on the carpet, you would beat him until he wanted to die instead. He didn't get any on the carpet, but you still beat the snot out of him. He couldn't even stand up. You forced me to leave him there, bleeding out on the floor, threatening you would hit him more if I helped him. I will never forget the look he gave me. His look said 'leave me. They want me dead. I want to be dead. I'll be fine. As long as it's not you.'"

"There were also the times father would beat him. It was so much worse, though. So much worse. He would pick Lucas up and throw him against walls, tables, chairs. Anything. Lucas would break ribs, arms, anything. He was the runt of the pack, a smaller werewolf, so he wasn't able to heal as fast. It was so, so sad to hear his screams of pain. They are forever ingrained in my brain. This was when he was only around seven; I'm not sure how much worse it got after I left. But I know it didn't stop; and they never loved him. Not since our brother was killed. They thought it was Lucas's fault that Eli was killed in a car accident, but it wasn't," I looked pointedly at my parents, who were staring at the ground. "It was just that: an accident. But they took their pain out on Lucas. And Lucas took it because he thought they were right and that he deserved it."

"And now that he'd dead, you love him."

~Thomas's P.O.V.~

I couldn't do it. I couldn't bare to go to the funeral and see Lucas laying dead in a coffin.

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