Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

~Lucas's P.O.V.~

(Author's Note: This chapter is mostly a flashback of when Lucas was a young boy.)

When we made it back to Thomas's house, I gave him a kiss on the cheek before making my way home with my parents beer. I was honestly terrified to go back after slamming the door earlier. Plus I'd been gone almost all day. The sun had set around an hour ago, so this could be bad.

Walking up the front deck, I could hear the television and could see the living room lights on. I slowly opened the door, snuck in, and closed it slowly. When I was sure they hadn't heard me I walked over to the door of the living room. They were both passed out cold. Or dead. I don't know which, and I couldn't honestly care less.

I put the case of beer in the living room and left the house again, making sure to lock the door behind me. God knows they wouldn't even wake up if a burglar or murderer were to walk into that house. We don't need a burglar in there. I have gay smut all around my room, man. I don't want no one finding that shit. I started the dark journey to Thomas's house, taking the gravel road from before.

It wasn't always like this, y'know. We used to be happy, but that was before the dreadful night that caused it to start spiraling downward. The dreadful night that took Eli from our clutches.

It was when I was seven years old and Eli had been around eleven years old. When mom and dad were healthy, loving parents. Parents that didn't take drugs or were alcoholic. We were a normal, happy family.

Until the accident.

It was a rainy night, like most horror stories ironically, and I was being a little snot. My dad was having a tough time driving in the first place and I hadn't been helping at all. I was sitting in the back, Eli in the front passenger seat, and dad driving. I remember I was crying, screaming about how unfair it was that Eli got to sit in the front seat all the time.

What did I say, I was a snot.

Dad was angry. So angry that he turned around to yell at me, missing a red stop light. A car crashed into the front passenger seat. Me and dad survived, only coming out with a few bruises and broken bones. Eli didn't make it. He died during surgery.

That's the day my family changed.

Dad started heavily drinking, causing him to lose his job. There were endless fights between mom and dad, causing mom to also start drinking. But she was taking drugs, too. They eventually got into the worst drugs, like cocaine and meth.

That's when I changed.

I was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, energetic child. Then I became a numb, angry, depressed freak. When I was fourteen I dyed my hair black, got snake bites and a nose piercing, and dressed in all black. What really changed me was self-harm.

It was like a drug. Addicting. I had been told it was my fault Eli died, so much so that I actually started to believe it. I still believe it. That's what triggered it to start. It wasn't bad at first, but then it got bad. I'm not going into detail, though.

When I snapped back into reality, I realized that I was standing in front of Thomas's house. I also realized that I had been crying. I hurriedly wiped my eyes and knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before the door opened and when it did, I rushed in to hug Thomas, forgetting about my little flashback.

"Well hello to you, too, Luke," Thomas said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled at the nickname. We stood there for a few minutes before he pulled back to shut and lock the door.

"Alright, so, the tests are in the bathroom upstairs. If you want to go and take one now, you can. Or you can wait until morning. Either one is fine with me," he said.

"I'll go and take one now," I replied. He nodded and showed me to the bathroom, giving me a pair of pj's to change into. I thanked him and shut the door when he left, setting the clothes on the counter and picking up the package of tests. I read the instructions and opened the box, pulling out three. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the toilet. 

Here we go.


BOOM! Another chapter! XD I'm so tired lmao

Hope you enjoy!

*Edit One- 6/6/18*

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