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     Thunder roars overhead as dark clouds gather thicker. I stand aside on the pavement watching the city folks begin to collect their children from playgrounds. Heavy winds descend from evening sky like an invisible chilly blanket. A second warning that I should head home.

Stifling a shiver when another gust of air sweeps by, I retrace my step back the winding pavement of the enormous park. Cherry trees that lined the pathway bend in the stormy wind, their fully bloomed blossoms shedding petals throughout the place, stark against the leaden sky.

Along the way sellers of stalls and booths hastily stack their foods in place. Their complaints about having to end their business early echo off the market as I pass. Rain comes pouring down, coating the city in white mist and slippery surfaces. It's as if the heavy raindrops still hold the last traces of winter. I shudder as I make my way through the crowd, careful not to hit somebody. Then something at the corner of my eye catches my attention. I turn on impulse.

A man in amethystine clothes strolls past me a short distance away. His face is shielded in shadows by the straw-hat on his head. I realize that the long object at his waist is actually a blade and-


Something solid sends me to the ground. I blink in bewilderment, not sure what happened, rain completely draining my clothes.

     "I'm so sorry," says a feminine voice. "Are you alright?"

I look up and meet a pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes. The girl extends her hand to me while the other brings her umbrella close to shield us both.

     "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going," I apologize and accept her hand. "But I'm okay, thank you." She was a young girl with vermilion hair, dressed in red chinese-style clothing. I wonder if she's a foreigner.

     "Don't you have an umbrella?" the girl asks, noting my empty hands and wet garments.

I clap my hands to brush off dirt, though it proves futile since I'm wet. "I didn't think it would rain today," I tell her.

     "I can take you home," the young girl suggests, smiling beautifully.

I return her smile but said, "Thank you, but my house is a bit far. You would be drained like me by the time we reach."

The girl considers, looking at the falling rain. It doesn't seem like it would stop anytime soon. "You're all wet now. Let's stop by at my place first, it's just ahead. After the rain stops, maybe then you can carry on." 

Thinking of the reason why I ran out from home in the first place, it wouldn't hurt to stay out a little longer. In fact, it is better to be out a little longer.

I nod. We walk huddled together under the umbrella, half of our body attacked by straying raindrops.

     "My name is Kagura," the girl says. "I work as the Yorozuya. We will do anything if requested."

I chuckle. "Anything at all?"

     "Yep. I will introduce you to the others, but just be careful of the perm-head. He might try to flirt with you," she warns with an ashamed face.

I giggle again. "I would like to see him try."

Gintama; Takasugi x reader {Ephemeral Moments} Where stories live. Discover now