Chapter 8 {Y/N}

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Two days passes in a blur of restless pain and sleepless nights. No one has visited me since that day of my conversation with that man, though there are the occasional coming and going of those who bring me food, once a day. My chest only hurts more with the passing days, rendering my whole body sore.

I spend the more of the hours laying down, sometimes gazing at the window while most of the time staring at the door and spacing out. Before I know it, I have been reminiscing the words I exchanged with that man too many times that I wish to just stumble to his room and stay close to him again. Even if he is like a thorn that pricks at my approach. Somehow being here no longer scares me.

It's morning now, the sun shining from the east straight through my window. Golden light covers the blanket draped over my body, almost too bright for my eyes. Beyond, the blue sky clears. I've given up trying to know my whereabouts. Asking those who bring me meals only earn me a silent glare or a flat "You don't have to know." I'm starting to wonder why would they bother with the food at all if they still believe I'm some spy.

I sigh and brush the thought away. Just as I'm about to sit up, someone comes at the other side of the door.

     "You awake?"

My heart instantly bristles at the voice. I put a hand over my chest, trying to quiet it, because even the irregular beat of my heart seems to hurt. "Yes. I am," I reply.

A breath later, the door slides open. Standing at the corridor is the man that haunts my lonely nights. He steps inside and doesn't close the door, remaining where he stood last time leaning against the wall. A dark coat with curvy patterns hugs his shoulders. "You seem rather comfortable sleeping in a rebel's ship," he comments.

I feel my face getting hot at him seeing my current position. My thoughts swirl at his unannounced presence. "Apparently, no. My wound hurts too much to rest," I manage say, rather honestly. "Would you me get up?"

His gaze meets mine, and once again I feel the pull between us. Of course I don't expect that he will. My wretched heart is simply seeking for an excuse for him to come closer. It does not need the distance he puts between us. I look away.

I attempt to get up on my own. Gladly, my left arm has healed, enabling me to press some force into it. I get up on my elbow, wincing at the pain, but also feeling embarrassed that he has to witness the act. Then I hear a shuffle as he appears before me and supports me upright with a hand to my back. I forget to breathe. My skin tingles where his hand touches the back of my chest. I stare wide-eyed at the closeness we share for that moment.

Then he withdraws back, the absent of his touch snapping me back to focus. But this time I do not look away. I behold his features, from the cold olive-green of his eye down to his lips. His face holds no sentiment, as if he's carved out from stone. Suddenly my chest becomes painful. But it doesn't result from the wound.

     "Can you walk?" he asks me, standing back up.

I nod, breathless.

     "Good. We're going out for a mission."

At that I look up, puzzled. "We?"


If I have predicted anything, it is not this.

By this, I mean walking on the hallway behind him, dressed in the same white yukata with an addition of a straw-hat tied to my chin. Some of the crew we pass cast me incredulous looks which I return with something equal to that. Before they want an explanation I want to know what that man is scheming.

I stare at his back as we walk. Soon we exit the ship and out to the open sky. I look around as if I've never seen land. We're at a port, though it's clear that it's not Edo's harbor, being smaller and less packed with cargo boats. Dumbfounded at the sudden arrival, I can only trail behind that man with thoughts swimming over my head.

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