Chapter 10 {Y/N}

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I jerk awake for what seems to be the fourth time.

Something drops beside me. I relax when I see it's just the book that I have been reading. Picking it up, I try to remember what page I was on awhile ago, but the memory that surfaces in my head is of a bloody ground and a familiar figure from a dream. I slam the book shut and put it aside.

I breathe in deeply and lean back against. The room now has the deep smell of books. It's dark, I sit by the window using moonlight to read. But the moment I start to my thoughts begin to swim over my head. I've been having a real difficulty sleeping during the recent nights. Especially after receiving the gift dreams are mercilessly preying on my subconscious and eventually have me bolted right up from bed. My chest throbbed more than the last few days. When that man was still here.

I raise a hand to my face, and am surprised to find it wet. My body is acting strange lately. I look out the window. The moon cast a cold light into the room. Stars are no longer visible at this place. The ship has stopped moving some days ago. Though I'm not entirely certain where we are now, I just know that it's somewhere that's kind of remote. The crews hadn't chosen to dock at a proper harbor.

Shuffles sound from outside. Light of the hallway shone against the screen door. I notice that there are no more silhouettes guarding outside. Maybe they've grown weary it. I haven't been out of the room for most the of time now that the books do a great job at removing my boredom.

I see several men pass through. Murmurs drift into the room. Can't help myself, I silently make my way to the door and lean on the wall next to it to listen. Someone is speaking not far from my room, their voices understandable from this distance.

"I wonder if the mission succeeded," someone mutters.

"I hope so," another one says. "But the commander's injury is pretty severe." I freeze.

"He'll come out it, don't worry."

"If only we were there to help him. Damn it!" He punches the wall suddenly, causing me to jump. They speak something more but I don't hear it.

I stare at the door, their words sinking in. Why hadn't anyone say something about it earlier? I throw the door aside.

The men outside startle, turning to me.

"Is he all right?" I demand of them. "Where is he now?"

Their surprise quickly turns to disdain. "That's none of your concern, girl."

I linger for a pause. Then barge out of the room. A cry tears through my throat when they yank me back. "You're not going anywhere near the commander."

I quit struggling and relent. They attempt shove me back into the room. I can barely speak over the pain. "Please, I just want to know if he's okay."

"Behave yourself!" One of them tries to shut the door in my face but I use my body to block it. No matter what they do to me I will see him.

"What's the commotion?" says a voice from outside.

The men instantly back away. "Takechi-sama. This girl seems to be a problem."

I stumble out just as Takechi comes into view. "Please, take me to where the commander is," I rasp, one hand clutching my chest.

Takechi dismisses the other two before coming to tower over me. "What do you want from Shinsuke-dono?"

I hiss out a breath. "I don't want anything from him. I just need to see him."

He considers me for a moment as if weighing how much likely can I pose as a threat. "Come with me."

Gintama; Takasugi x reader {Ephemeral Moments} Where stories live. Discover now