Chapter 11 {Kijima Matako}

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I leave my room and head to where Shinsuke-sama is. Ever since I brought him back here I've never miss a day to visit him. Because...he might wake up anytime. And when he does, I want to be by his side, the first he sees.

He has been transferred to a different room after undertaking some treatment. Still, I can't believe that the donor for Shinsuke-sama is that girl. If she thinks she can get close to him for some vile intention then she's sorely mistaken. My bullet can always find a way through her anytime.

I approach Shinsuke-sama's remedial room. I stand in front of the door for a moment before entering. This is becoming my habit. Every time I pause before this door, thinking that he might be walking toward it on the other side. And when I open I would see him, recovered and well again.

I hold the hope close as I enter. As usual, he is lying on the bed, eyes closed. Most of his minor wounds have healed, leaving only the dour one at his chest. With his even breathing and tranquil face I suppose this must be the mirror image of how he looks like when he's asleep. Though so serene, why is it so hard to bare?

     "Shinsuke-sama, how long are you going to stay asleep? We need you," I whisper, and lean on the glass wall that separates him from me. He can't fade. He hasn't kept the promise he made us that day. We haven't achieved anything.

I will myself not to cry. Yet watching him here, everything seems hard. Every goal so far. I look him over again before turning to go. A twitch of movement catches my eye. I instantly whirl around to look at him, breath held.

After a short while, his eye slowly flutters open.

Joy jumps to my throat. "Shinsuke-sama!" I call, hoping he will hear over the glass.

He gradually turns to me, expression as empty as ever. Every heavy burden falls off my shoulder as I smile at him. "Shinsuke-sama, wait. I will call the doctor," I tell him, though not sure if he can hear. But it doesn't matter. Nothing does now that he's awake.

I bolt out for the doctor.


     "So, did anything happen while I was dead?" Shinsuke-sama asks by the window.

We're now his room. The doctor insisted that he remains in bed, but of course Shinsuke-sama isn't inclined to listen. There are bandages wrapped around his chest, and whether the wound hurts, he doesn't show.

     "No, but we did lose numerous men to the battle," says Bansai-senpai, standing near me. "I think we should lay low and wait until those survived manage to recover. And you too."

     "That's right, Shinsuke-sama," I agree. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard. We have plenty of time. And besides, that girl is behaving strangely well these days."

     "Oh?" he amuses, and turns to the door when Takechi-senpai asks to enter.

The door slides aside. The Lolicon steps inside, followed by a person I never expect him to come with. The girl enters the room, her gaze never leaving Shinsuke-sama.

     "Takechi-senpai! What is that wretch doing here?" I point to her face.

Her gaze snaps to me. "I wish to speak with the commander. Alone," she enunciates, before her eyes shift back to him by the window.

     "Get out!" I shout to her.

     "That's enough," Shinsuke-sama says with an amused look. "You all can leave first."

Bansai-senpai is the first one to move out, followed shortly by the Lolicon. The way that wretch seems to hold herself in pride pisses me off a great deal.

I walk to the door, and crush her shoulder with mine as I step out.

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