Chapter 1 {Y/N}

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     "Hey, I've brought Y/N over," Kagura-chan announces as she shuts the door to the Yorozuya flat. I remove my scandals at the foyer, relishing the home-like comfiness of the place. Kagura-chan quickly slides off her shoes and urges me into the other room.

A group of people sit around what seems to be a hotpot, steam rising hysterically from the small stove. The smell of food makes my stomach rumble.

     "Y/N-san, welcome," greets Shinpachi from his seat. Beside him sits the Yorozuya natural-permed leader, Gintoki, who seems much more interested in what's in the boiling soup.

     "Hello," I say to the group and follow Kagura-chan to sit. Otae-chan and Otose-san makes space for us.

     "It's great to have you join us, Y/N," Otae says, passing a small bowl for me and Kagura-chan. Otose-san exhales a smoky breath and smiled while Catherine seems to ignore my existence.

     "Yes, my owner allowed a day-off today for everyone. Nobody really knows why though. Thank you." I accept some food Otae passes to me.

It's been few months since my encounter with Kagura-chan on that rainy day. Our friendship have improved over the duration, as so did my closeness to those around her too. Gintoki had given up any futile attempt to flirt with me after he found out that he did not get a special discount in a restaurant I work in. Shinpachi welcomes me well, as I'm sure he does to most visitors.

I swallow a chewy mushroom before asking, "Is Katsura-san busy? I think it would have been nice if he was able to join us too."

Shinpachi looks my way while the others carry on with their chatters. Gintoki scoffs. "Busy? Yeah right." He gulps down a mouth of food. "Busy ditching the Shinsengumi more like."

     "That's exhausting." Katsura-san and I met during when he was in Gintoki's home, demanding something I don't remember. We became more acquainted when he found out that we share a common adoration of paws. (By which, I haven't seen Sadaharu.)

I think it's interesting to actually know a Joui-rebel of Katsura-san's character, though I have been warned to be more cautious. He even scolded Gintoki for me when he called my interest as idiotic. And to add up to what Gintoki called it, I became more drawn to what he told me before (also with the help of alcohol) about him not being entirely against the government's better reforms for the city, and about a certain organization that proves to be a danger to both the city and the government.

A firm knock on the door brings my focus to the present. Shinpachi gets up to answer it. I realize that more food have been put in my bowl and the hotpot is finished by two-thirds of its portion.

     "Hijikata-san," exclaims Shinpachi before shutting the door. Soon a man in black and green uniform steps into the room. He smokes a cigarette and holds a katana in his left hand.

He notes the gathering group and says, "Sorry to interrupt your meal," indicating the apology to the eldest, Otose-san.

Gintoki sighs nearby and sets his chopsticks down. "So what brings the demon vice-captain to my house?"

     "It's not even your house," Catherine suddenly butts in. No one remarks on it.

I regard the man again with a little surprise. From my part of the town, not Kabuki District, there are mostly only talks about this man. His gaze alone could cut through spirits of his enemy, they say. I hope he didn't come here for Katsura-san.

     "I'll be quick," the policeman says, taking out his tobacco. Shinpachi rejoins us in the room. "There's a rumor that Takasugi and his group are in Edo. We're trying to confirm if it's just a rumor or not." He looks at Gintoki, who appears only annoyed.

     "Takasugi? The rebel?" Shinpachi echoes, looking between us.

Otose-san sighs. "Looks like we've got some danger back in our town."

From what Katsura-san filled me about, the owner of that name is dangerous. But I've always been wanting to know things. And that want isn't an understatement, not in regards of that so-called dangerous man.

Hijikata-san clears his throat. "That's right. It's said that he's here for some recruitment," he informs. "I've dispatched some of my men to look over the city, but apparently they've spot no trace of them just yet. I came here to ask if any of you heard anything."

     "I don't know," the Yorozuya leader says, sounding as if he's been waiting to give that answer.

Hijikata-san considers him shortly and says, "I see. All right, I'll leave you to yourselves then." He starts to leave, but then as if first noticing my presence, he inclines his head a little before turning. "Oh and," he adds, "just a quick reminder. Since it might be dangerous, it's better to stay clear of the port."

     "Yes, thank you," I say, and he nods and left.

The room rises with chatters again, one being specifically loud sounding from Gintoki saying, "How could you eat all the meat!" while Kagura-chan smirks and maintains a sitting position that is no where matched a lady. She burps so loud that I nearly choke while eating just to laugh. When Gintoki appears drunk, Shinpachi relates to us about his embarrassing behaviors and our laughter echoes until evening falls.

It's dusk when we manage to clean the place up and Otae offered to leave first for her work. Gintoki did practically nothing during the cleaning process as he was really drunk, and now is probably knocked down. Kagura-chan and Shinpachi are with him.

I descend the stairs and head into Otose-san's bar. She's alone by the counter, pouring water into a glass  and glances up when I enter.

     "Otose-san, can I ask you for something?" I reluctantly request, coming over to the counter.

She empties her glass. "What is it, girl? Tell me."

And I do.

I exit a mask store.

Night has fallen and the city has gone up in blinding neon lights from signs, banners and buildings. Night-owls dwell among the town and salesmen call out to attract customers to bars and cabarets, some to those exotic places of nightlife.

I walk on the street melting with the crowds. When I hear a few calls to get me into some bars, I think I made it convincing. With my hair bound tight and high, my body draped in a man's clothes and my face showing the image of a different young man, nobody can easily guess my identity on the other side of the rubber mask I just purchased.

I navigate the way by sheer memory. Once out of the main parts of town, there is lesser light. I keep to the safer roads in case some rounins decide me as prey. I don't usually venture to this part of town because my home is at the opposite direction. But I'm not planning to go home.

And there ahead, I see the port.

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