Chapter 2 {Takechi Henpeita}

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     Two days almost pass since we docked in Edo. This is the place where our most formidable opponents are at, and I must admit that the security does hinder smoother accomplishment.

With the previous Shogun assassinated, the citizens are still in the state of grief. And taking that into account, the Tendoushuu replaced good-for-nothing Nobunobu into the line of the next shogun, hoping to create a public image of a new peaceful era. Though Nobunobu is but a puppet, he sees himself worthy enough of power that he already manages to reform most of Edo's economy, smudges the government's reputation in dirt, and continues to oppress his people.

Shinsuke-dono questioned me the night before we reach here about the best place to seek recruitment. If it isn't Edo, where some are trampled upon by the new government and where the hunted are being cornered and seeking refuge, he stated that there wouldn't be anywhere else. But moreover than that, I have a certain feeling telling me that it's not only about politics that he's here. It's something more of an amusement to see how the government is crumpling from within.

     "Takechi-senpai!" I almost jump when Matako shouts into my ear.

     "Matako, you do not go screaming into people's ears when they are thinking," I scold, readjusting the straw-hat on my head.

     "Then what are you thinking about, Lolicon-hentai?" she mocks, hands on her hip.

     "I am not a Lolicon, but a feminist with a strong attraction towards children," I announce proudly.

She grunts. "Anyway, how's the recruiting going?"

     "We have more people who are willing to join us than I expected. I suppose we've become quite popular during these times," I tell her. "It'll be no time before we have enough replacement."

I am in charge of the recruitment by the harbor, while Bansai-dono makes his move within the city. It's easier to move around in the night when there's certain to have those wandering around for a big cause. Evildoers use the night to exchange cunning deals.

We look on those who I've previously accepted in. They're a decent group of men, all armed, conversing not far from us. Our ship isn't docked where it's easily reached by the police should we are to be discovered. I doubt that would be the case though, because we will departure once we attain the needed supplies, and it's going to be soon.

     "Senpai, look at him." I turn to where Matako is indicating. A slender-built man is approaching. He wears plain clothes with no katana or any kind of weapon that I can see. And he appears to be searching for something. Matako reaches for her guns.

The man halts when he sees us, seemingly to be considering something. I choose the odd choice and approach him.

     "Are you looking for something?" I ask. By the time my eyes transfer to his face, I see a feature slightly delicate. His hair is tied up high behind his head. The luminous moon shines in his eyes.

The youngster scans the crowd scattered throughout the harbor. Those are our men. It should not prove difficult if this youngster turns out to be a cop.

     "I have heard about a recruitment," the young man says, and turns as Matako joins us.

     "Yes, we are seeking some helpers," I agree, still trying to tell his motives.

He nods. "I would like to join you too."

Matako and I exchange a look. "Who are you?" she questions.

He takes a moment before answering. "I am an orphan, raised by monks in a temple up until now," he says, then gives us a steadying look. "You are not just simply seeking some recruitment, right? Because that's what I learn from how those men are looking at me right now."

We turn to them, and see a few are giving the youngster some dangerous looks.

     "You've got some good eyes," I say. "What do you know about us?"

     "Nothing," he remarks. "I just know that your organization is a place for people like me to have our voices heard." His eyes flashes with rage and hatred when he continues, "The temple I was raised in was ordered to be destroyed awhile ago by the new Shogun, because he suspected that we hid criminals in it. Everyone in the temple was killed within the night and I was able to escape because of my instructor."

I consider him for a moment. Matako clearly still has her suspicion when she asks, "What evident do you have that prove you're not here to snitch on us?"

     "Nothing," the young man simply answers. "Nothing but me and my life." In his eyes is what I see from those who had joined and sacrificed for our cause. Pure ambition that can lead to blind faith. We need this kind of men.

I nod, finding his remark approving. "Very well, I shall approve of you." Matako tries to intervene but I cut her off. "Keep in mind young man. Try something fishy and you'll lose your life immediately."

Instead of giving me a response I expect, he merely smiles and goes to join the others.   

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